I don't ask much of my readers, but today I ask that each of you find the time to listen to the podcast of this Blog Talk Radio show that I just listened to live. Listen to not only the special tribute to one of the Navy SEALs we lost in that attack on the Chinook helicopter in Afghanistan but you will hear how Barack Hussein Obama disgraced these heroes' return to our soil. This is THAT important. You will be blown away by the parents of this American hero. Here's the show details that were posted for the Radio Jihad Show:
On tonight's show we have as our special guests Billy and Karen Vaughn. Billy and Karen are the parents of Navy Seal Aaron Carson Vaughn who was killed on the helicopter 6 months ago in Afghanistan.
The chopper was carrying 38 men including 22 Navy Seals - some of who were on the team that dispatched Bin Laden.
This is going to be a very interesting show so be sure to listen.
God Bless America and God Bless Our Troops
One Team One Fight
Here's the link to the podcast:Listen to internet radio with Radio Jihad Network on Blog Talk Radio
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