Thursday, February 9, 2012

Holger Asks Why #52: Tolerance

Holger Asks Why....

Why is it unacceptable for us to force Muslims to attend a public university without a foot bath installed in every restroom but totally acceptable for us to force Roman Catholics to pay for contraceptives for people working at their institutions?



Anonymous said...

Why is the UN and the west sitting on their thumbs doing nothing, and put Assad and russia on notice that if teh killing does not stop in 24 hours, that foreign military action will take place on Syraia. If Russia decides to helps its pall, then russia too can lose teh Admiral Kusnetsov too.

Anonymous said...

Russias nucelar carrier is sitting in port... a sitting duck as it were. Apache attacks and A10 on to syrian armor and most of this bloodletting would stop Syrian troops would cave Hizbullah and iranian huards would try to keep teh fight going but they too would be thinned out quickly