I need to qualify this post a little before I get into what is to me a most perplexing situation between GOP Presidential contender Newt Gingrich and Radio/TV host Glenn Beck. First off, I have not endorsed Newt Gingrich for the GOP nomination for President...in fact, I'm leaning a bit more towards Perry than anyone else. Secondly, I am not a Glenn Beck groupie NOR am I a Glenn Beck hater. I generally have liked Glenn Beck - I signed up for GBTV back when Glenn went to do the Israel special - I did cancel my subscription though when Glenn went too far and insinuated that me, as a Tea Party member who was considering Gingrich as a candidate, must be against Obama then due solely because of Obama's race.
So, most days I get to listen to the morning broadcast of Glenn Beck's radio program and it's been obvious from the day that Beck interviewed Gingrich that something just isn't right between those two. Beck was pretty rough on Gingrich in that interview and since that took place, I don't have to tell most people that Beck has been on a witchhunt against Gingrich.
Now, according to Beck, his disdain for Gingrich is because Newt is a progressive. I found that curious as I think many people might say that Gingrich is a little too fond of "big government" but I truly fail to see a link to Gingrich's being labeled a flat out "progressive." So, these attacks on Gingrich by Beck drew my attention and they have not let up over the past few weeks. It started to dawn on me that Beck's tone and rhetoric heightened when Gingrich's name came up...he seemed to get almost "emotional" about Gingrich. In fact, he sounded a little angry, a little bitter.
So here is my hypothesis. Glenn Beck's problem with Newt Gingrich is a personal one, not a political one. I am surmising that something happened between these two men in the past - I have no idea what it is or when it happened but it is becoming OBVIOUS to me that Glenn Beck simply hates Newt Gingrich, the man.
As this became more and more evident to me, I started honing in more on what seemed to be irrational takes on Gingrich by Beck. I even started to see Beck's cohosts Pat and Stu kind of back away a little from the Beck tirades - that's not to say they don't all dislike Gingrich as a candidate because they do but Beck is the one where you can tell it is PERSONAL.
All of this culminated today for me when I heard the Beck broadcast this morning. Here's the two things I heard today which still have my jaw on the ground:
1. Glenn Beck, talking to guest Rick Santorum on the show, asked Santorum who he thought was the one candidate who was favored by the GOP machine, the GOP establishment. Before Santorum could answer, Beck said that Santorum certainly wasn't and neither was Perry or Paul and then he hit the freak meter....Glenn Beck then said that he didn't think it was Romney either and that, in fact, the GOP establishment's candidate choice, their favorite is NEWT GINGRICH! I kid you not. Look up the archive of the show. Glenn Beck is not a stupid man - he knows that Newt Gingrich is not the GOP's favorite son....he knows full well it is Romney but the hatred of Gingrich is causing this recklessness in Beck. The funny part of this segment of the show is that Santorum finally was asked after all of that mind numbing insanity and Santorum kindly sad...."well, all I'll say is it isn't me!"
2. On the same show today, I believe it was Stu that brought up the possibility of Newt Gingrich getting the nomination....and with that, Glenn Beck cut in and said that he would never vote for Gingrich as the candidate....at which point both Stu and Pat jumped in and exclaimed that even though Gingrich isn't their choice, they would still vote for him over Obama....so Beck had a chance to make the correction at that point and Beck did not. At that point in time Beck said THAT HE WOULD VOTE 3RD PARTY BEFORE HE WOULD VOTE FOR GINGRICH. He even conceded that his actions would probably give the Presidency back to Obama.
I don't know what Gingrich did to Beck - I don't know if he stiffed Beck on an interview, if Gingrich said some nasties about Glenn, if Newt ran over Glenn's dog or what....but it has to be something MAJOR for Glenn Beck to admit he'd be willing to see Barack Hussein Obama win reelection. All I know is I would love to know what in the hell went down between these two men.
I also signed up of GBTV to watch the Israel broadcast, which was great. But after watching his show a few times I thought GB had become self important. So I cancelled my subscription. I still enjoyed his show and 'The Blaze', which I visited regularly. After his hating on Gingrich I deleted all my Beck carrying radio stations and deleted my link to The Blaze. It's ashame too.... I really liked GB's message about 'we the people' but for me he has jumped the shark tank.
As for you Holger.... I really enjoy this site and listening to you BTR show podcast on sundays.
Keep up the great work.
Thank you - I appreciate your comments and am pleased that you find something worthwhile here and at The Awakening on BTR.
:Holger Danske
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