Monday, January 9, 2012

Video: Anyone Who Sees This Video and STILL Backs Ron Paul is Scum


Findalis said...

The tragedy is that nobody will hear this and Paul could easily get the nomination.

If Paul gets the nomination then Obama wins the election.

Sharku said...

If Paul gets the nomination then no matter who wins, America loses.

Holger Awakens said...

Right on Findalis and Shark!

:Holger Danske

Ernest T Bass said...

Ron Paul is too old to get the nomination. If he were 50 you might have something to worry about- bringing the troops home, ending both foreign aid and the drug war at the federal level appeals to many people. Romney will get the nomination, and Obama will probably win re election. Republicans will win in 2016.

Lech Dharma said...

In my (not-always-humble) opinion, the problem with Ron Paul as a Candidate is that he is an ideologue "package deal." I cheer him on when he talks about limiting Federal government and returning governing power back to the States, or talks about "non-intervention" in domestic economic policy, or talks about reforming the Fed. Then he opens his mouth about national defense and foreign policy, and he looks like a doddering, angry old man that doesn't understand America's place in the world.