Thursday, January 12, 2012

It's a Death Sentence In Iran If You Belong To the Wrong Internet Sites

You know, there's a lot of talk about internet security, piracy and censorship lately with all of the SOPA talk going around but in the nation of Iran, going to the wrong internet websites can mean a whole new can of worms for you.

Like death.

This story is from Obviously, the penalty for going to a website deemed "anti-Islam" is serious and so, I'd sure hate to have someone visit my house that asked to use the computer for a few minutes!

Ahmad Reza Hashempour: Prisoner of the day

Sentenced to death for "hosting anti-religion and blasphemous websites"

JARAS: Ahmad Reza Hashempour, a 40-year-old Ph.D., was arrested in 2007. A lower court had sentenced him to death, and the Supreme Court this week upheld Hashempour's death sentence on charges of "membership in anti-religion and blasphemous websites."

During his four-year detention, Ahmad Reza Hashemour spent a long time inside IRGC's solitary cells, where he was physically and psychologically tortured to make television confessions against himself. IRGC's website, published an article in April 2009, referring to Ahmad Reza Hashempour as "a sixth suspect in the case of 'Mozelleen 3.'"

Many of the suspects in this case, who were arrested by the IRGC and its website, were forced to make television confessions against themselves and to accept the charges leveled against them.

Several individuals implicated in this case released open letters several months after their arrests, speaking up about unbearable torture during their detention period. Another suspect in this case, Vahid Asghari, was also sentenced to death this week, after four years in prison.

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