Herman Cain is definitely on a roll right now and tonight, he won the Minnesota Straw Poll...actually, he didn't exactly win....he CRUSHED the competitors in this straw poll.
Here's the results from PostBulletin.com:
Midwest Republican Leadership Conference straw poll results52.6% Herman Cain
12.2 % Michele Bachmann
11.1% Mitt Romney
10.7% Ron Paul
4% Rick Perry
3.3% Newt Gingrich
2% Rick Santorum
0.9% Jon Huntsman
0.2% Gary Johnson
This obviously isn't one of the major straw polls but it's interesting to see how Cain is doing some of the right things now, campaign wise. It's all about momentum at this point and Cain definitely has that going for him.
Cain wins Minnesota GOP straw poll, Bachmann distant 2nd
BLOOMINGTON — A surprise address from Herman Cain to Republican delegates paid off, with the Georgia businessman scoring big in the Minnesota GOP straw poll.
Cain won the Midwest Republican Leadership Conference straw poll with 52.6 percent of the vote. Minnesota native Michele Bachmann was a distant second with 12.2 percent.
Cain was the only candidate who addressed the delegates, speaking to them via Skype.com. That won over Rochester area Republicans, who joined 1,500 other delegates at the conference.
Former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney came in third with 11.1 percent.
The other results were as follows: Ron Paul, 10.7 percent, Rick Perry, 4 percent; Newt Gingrich, 3.3 percent; Rick Santorum, 2 percent; Jon Huntsman, 0.9 percent and Gary Johnson, 0.2 percent.
The straw poll win for Cain comes as the former chairman of Godfather’s Pizza is surging in national polls. Read what area Republicans had to say about Cain, and about the no-shows including Rep. Michele Bachmann, in the Monday print edition.
Cain is way more likable than Romney or Perry. Ron Paul is too big a threat to the big govt. status quo to ever get elected. Bachmann needs a fact checker and will crack in a the grind of a national campaign. I would love to see Herman Cain get the nomination but I'll bet the big donor money and the nomination that comes with it goes to Romney or Perry.
Cain is my choice.
When this all started, I was backing Santorum or Bachmann. But after watching the debates and seeing that Cain actually has a plan for overhauling taxation in the USA, I'm a convert.
We really need someone that has experience running a business, not some Ivy leaguer that's been brainwashed with 4 years of Marxism.
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