Friday, September 16, 2011

CAIR Insists California Councilman Apologize For Telling the Truth About 9/11/01

This is complete bullshit. We have a councilman out in California who made a statement regarding the terror attacks on 9/11/01 on his Facebook and from that posting, it appears to me to be 100% accurate, 100% the truth. But not good enough for the likes of C.A.I.R. (Council on American-Islamic Relations)...oh hell no. See, the fleabag terrorists at CAIR don't like the references to islam in regards to the attack - we certainly wouldn't want to confuse Islam with 19 ISLAMIC terrorists who killed 3,000 Americans, now would we?

From the article at The Los Angeles Times:

From the Facebook page of Jon Dumitru, you’d learn that the councilman from Orange is inspired by Abraham Lincoln, William Howard Taft and Ronald Reagan, that he speaks five languages and loves food trucks, Xbox games and Texas Hold ‘Em, as well as movies including “The Hangover” and “Top Gun.”

But his recent remarks blaming Muslims for the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks are what's suddenly getting attention.

The comments, in conjunction with the anniversary of the attacks, prompted representatives of the local Muslim community Thursday to ask for an apology.

Dumitru's posting reads as follows:

“It was 10 years ago today that most Americans learned first hand of the teachings of Islam and the Koran being filled with messages of they killed thousands of our fellow Americans! Today I remember those lost, left behind, and those across the world searching for these pure evil terrorists and dispatching them from this world! WE WILL NEVER FORGET, WE WILL NEVER FORGIVE!”
The posting was apparently deleted from Dumitru’s main news feed after the OC Weekly wrote about it, but as of Thursday, it could still be found via a link from his Facebook page.

The Greater Los Angeles Council on American-Islamic Relations on Thursday called for an apology.

“Your hateful statement in which you falsely insinuate that the teachings of Islam and the Quran would allow the terrorist attacks of 9/11 is deeply troubling to all Muslims, including many who live in your city,” wrote Executive Director Hussam Ayloush of CAIR-LA in a letter to Dumitru.

The message is right - we did start learning of the teachings of the Qur'an...we did hear that islam was a religion of peace...all at the same time that we couldn't even recover the remains of over 1,000 Americans.

This councilman needs our support and in the end, it needs to be CAIR that is harassed from dawn until dusk. We need CAIR to feel the bite of freedom every time they open their Muslim Brotherhood operated mouths. CAIR is the enemy to liberty and freedom in America...don't ever forget that.

Muslim group wants Orange councilman to apologize for 9/11 remark

From the Facebook page of Jon Dumitru, you’d learn that the councilman from Orange is inspired by Abraham Lincoln, William Howard Taft and Ronald Reagan, that he speaks five languages and loves food trucks, Xbox games and Texas Hold ‘Em, as well as movies including “The Hangover” and “Top Gun.”

But his recent remarks blaming Muslims for the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks are what's suddenly getting attention.

The comments, in conjunction with the anniversary of the attacks, prompted representatives of the local Muslim community Thursday to ask for an apology.

Dumitru's posting reads as follows:

“It was 10 years ago today that most Americans learned first hand of the teachings of Islam and the Koran being filled with messages of they killed thousands of our fellow Americans! Today I remember those lost, left behind, and those across the world searching for these pure evil terrorists and dispatching them from this world! WE WILL NEVER FORGET, WE WILL NEVER FORGIVE!”
The posting was apparently deleted from Dumitru’s main news feed after the OC Weekly wrote about it, but as of Thursday, it could still be found via a link from his Facebook page.

The Greater Los Angeles Council on American-Islamic Relations on Thursday called for an apology.

“Your hateful statement in which you falsely insinuate that the teachings of Islam and the Quran would allow the terrorist attacks of 9/11 is deeply troubling to all Muslims, including many who live in your city,” wrote Executive Director Hussam Ayloush of CAIR-LA in a letter to Dumitru.

“So far we have not heard from him,” said spokeswoman Munira Syeda. “We hope he’ll apologize and meet with his Muslim constituents and get to know them better. Then he will see how they are a positive force in the community.”

Attempts to reach Dumitru through his listed emails and through the city of Orange were not successful Thursday morning.


Findalis said...

He should give them the same answer that Allan West gave them:


Bigfoot said...

I would hold up three fingers and tell CAIR to "read between the lines".