Wednesday, September 7, 2011

18 Christian Villagers Killed In Nigeria by Muslims

The assault on Christians continues across the globe as Muslim herdsmen attacked a Christian village in Nigeria killing 18 Christians...some of those victims were literally burned alive when homes were set on fire.

From the article at Outlook India:

Eighteen people were killed in communal violence in flash point Central Nigerian city of Jos after a mob attacked a village, an incident which lead to widespread riots and violence.

The people were killed in Christian villages by assailants suspected to be Muslim Fulani herdsmen in Jos.

According to a witness, the attackers came about 9 pm into, Kuru and Mararaban-Jama'a villages situated at the entrance of Jos city in Opel Vectra saloon cars and used an hour to attack the villagers with guns and machetes.

In another village, Zakaleo, four persons were killed by setting their rooms on fire and the villagers on discovering the incident, wailed profusely as they prepared to give the victims mass burial.

"See the soldiers' checkpoint very close; even if they did not hear the cries of the people at least they saw the flames of fire from the burning houses but they refused to come on time," said Timothy Buba, the chairman of the local government.

The Commissioner of Information and Communication in the state, Abraham Yiljap confirmed the attack and described it as an outrage.

"Every Nigerian and every lover of human race should rise in condemnation over the happenings in Plateau State; the killing and maiming of innocent lives," he said.

You know, if you read the history of Mohammed and how he himself and his band of terrorists went from village to village killing those that didn't readily accept his new "religion"...well, you can see where these Muslim herdsmen got their training from.

At the same time, one has to be especially concerned about how the islamic oppression and war on Christians has spread so quickly south in the continent of Africa - Islam used to be confined to the northern tier of countries but is spreading southward....and fast.

18 Killed in Communal Violence in Nigeria

Eighteen people were killed in communal violence in flash point Central Nigerian city of Jos after a mob attacked a village, an incident which lead to widespread riots and violence.

The people were killed in Christian villages by assailants suspected to be Muslim Fulani herdsmen in Jos.

According to a witness, the attackers came about 9 pm into, Kuru and Mararaban-Jama'a villages situated at the entrance of Jos city in Opel Vectra saloon cars and used an hour to attack the villagers with guns and machetes.

In another village, Zakaleo, four persons were killed by setting their rooms on fire and the villagers on discovering the incident, wailed profusely as they prepared to give the victims mass burial.

"See the soldiers' checkpoint very close; even if they did not hear the cries of the people at least they saw the flames of fire from the burning houses but they refused to come on time," said Timothy Buba, the chairman of the local government.

The Commissioner of Information and Communication in the state, Abraham Yiljap confirmed the attack and described it as an outrage.

"Every Nigerian and every lover of human race should rise in condemnation over the happenings in Plateau State; the killing and maiming of innocent lives," he said.

Residents of the villages resorted to violent demonstration following the attack blocking the highway leading into Jos. They burnt tyres and attacked vehicles such that vehicles going out of and coming into the city were stuck.

1 comment:

Findalis said...

I see they got rid of their Saturday people. It is now the turn of the Sunday people.