Wednesday, August 31, 2011

The Transformation of Keith Ellison....err...I Mean....Keith Muhammad

I find it interesting the transformation that Rep. Keith Ellison has undergone since he became the first Muslim elected to the U.S. House of Representatives. Back when he was first elected, Mr. Ellison had a certain "look" ...but over time, he has seemingly become a bit more flaunting of his Muslim status and I would contend, his very looks and appearance have reflected this metamorphosis from a man looking to "subdue" his Islamic faith to a man now very overtly proclaiming it.

We have even seen Rep. Ellison come out about his name - while he uses "Keith Ellison" in political circles, he now admits his REAL name is "Keith Muhammad." This admission is from an interview he did here and this is what he said:

ELLISON: The thing is the Muslim name my friends and community know me by is Keith Muhammad. And that name is still my name. It’s still what I go by; it’s still what my brothers call me. But, the thing is, from what’s on my personal birth certificate, what I’m admitted to Bar in because I’m a lawyer – the legal name is Ellison. So, I run by the name that is on my birth certificate. But, the truth is I do have a Muslim name, and I am known by my Muslim name by many of my fellow Muslims. So, there’s really no transition.

And now, I present some photography of Rep. Muhammad that shows his transition as well as a photo of another fairly famous American who converted to Islam. From old to new and then our mystery celebrity comparison.


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