Sunday, August 7, 2011

Muslim Woman In India Converts To Christianity Is Beaten and Then Stalked

Apparently, the islamists in India want to hold on to every single one of their followers...and if you dare to leave the violent ideology, well then you get a first hand taste OF that violence.

From the story at the Christian Post:

Four months after a recent convert to Christianity from Islam in eastern India’s West Bengal state was stripped and beaten, about 50 Muslim extremists yesterday disrupted a prayer meeting held in her home, threatening to burn it down if she did not return to Islam, area Christians said.

The extremists warned Selina Bibi of Motijil village in Murshidabad district that if she did not return to Islam, then she must either leave the area or see her house burned down. At her baptism at Believers Church four kilometers from her home on March 29, a large crowd of Muslim extremists disrupted the service, said a pastor identified only as Bashir.

“I pleaded with them to let me at least finish the worship service before they attack us,” he told Compass.

Now, as you read stories like this...remember back a number of months ago here in America when the Left and the islamists in this country pointed their collective finger at us and told us we were intolerant of Islam here because we had an issue with the location of the Ground Zero mosque. We didn't say they COULDN'T build it, we simply asked them to locate it elsewhere. But no, we were islamophobes and an intolerant mob. Now look at what this Christian convert has gone through at the hands of the "tolerant" ones.

The point of all of this is simple - Islam tolerates NO OTHER RELIGION and at the same time, as a country here of infidels we best tolerate Islam to that point where we convert...either by choice or by force.

Yeah, like that's gonna happen.

Muslim Extremists in India Attack, Threaten Christian Women

NEW DELHI – Four months after a recent convert to Christianity from Islam in eastern India’s West Bengal state was stripped and beaten, about 50 Muslim extremists yesterday disrupted a prayer meeting held in her home, threatening to burn it down if she did not return to Islam, area Christians said.

The extremists warned Selina Bibi of Motijil village in Murshidabad district that if she did not return to Islam, then she must either leave the area or see her house burned down. At her baptism at Believers Church four kilometers from her home on March 29, a large crowd of Muslim extremists disrupted the service, said a pastor identified only as Bashir.

“I pleaded with them to let me at least finish the worship service before they attack us,” he told Compass.

When word of her conversion to Christianity reached her village, another extremist group from Motijil led by Jamal Shaike disrupted the service. Shaike and the others verbally abused the Christians, and he ordered his son who was present at the service to leave immediately, Bashir said.

The pastor said that on April 5, two Muslim women along with members of the extremist group summoned Selina Bibi to one of their homes and forcefully stripped her naked.

“The radicals believe that when any person from the Muslim community becomes Christian, they get Christian marks on their body,” Bashir said. “When the radicals could not find such marks, they started beating her up.”

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