Sunday, August 28, 2011

Holger Asks Why #49: Mom, Apple Pie and....Baseball?

Holger Asks Why:

If America is defined as: "Mom, Apple Pie, and Baseball"....then why am I watching "California" playing Japan in the Little League World Series?

And why is the American kid pictured above wearing a uniform that says "West" on it instead of a uniform jersey that says "U.S.A." ????



Ken & Carol said...

The picture is from the Little League World Series in which teams from the various geographic regions, i.e. West, Northwest, etc have survived a Regional competition. At the same time there is an international tournament going on representing quite a small number of players compared to those from the USA.

There is only one game between the winner of the international team tournament and the national team tournament face each other. I doubt they will change uniforms for this one game. You may have figured this out already.

From the repeating teams of the same area both internationally and nationally, it would appear to me that some questions about the selection process could be asked.

Findalis said...

I'll root for California, West or what every they call themselves. BTW who won? And what was the score?

Ernest T. Bass said...

It says "World Series" Holger, unlike the MLB world series, the Little Leaguers will play teams from Japan, Puerto Rico etc. In a sense the MLB has a "World" series too, considering that if a player from Japan, Korea, Dominican Republic or Venezuela etc. is good enough they will probably end up on an American Major League team. I'd bet one third of major league players are not U.S. citizens.