This article from Pajamas Media throws up part of what is supposed to be a draft of the new Constitution of Libya - straight from those "freedom fighter" rebels who appear ready to take complete control of the country. We've seen the Leftist mainstream media in America put on this face that this revolution in Libya was a mirror image of what happened in America in 1776 or in Poland in 1989. We've seen our very own President hail this overthrow of Gaddafi as the "peoples' will" being realized. Well, for all of the morons...it's about Islamic revolt and if it mirrors anything, it mirrors the days in Iran when the mullahs and the islamic fundamentalists overthrew a government and installed sharia law as the law of the land. I find it interesting that America's MSM gets a tingle up their legs when we see an Islamic regime take over - what's the difference between oppression by a dictator and an oppression by a council of islamic mullahs?
From the article:
As both the Morning Bell and Washington in a Flash noted today, Heritage Fellow Jim Phillips recently pointed out that Islamist forces “appear to make up a small but not insignificant part of the opposition coalition,” and must be prevented “from hijacking Libya’s future.” Parts of the draft Constitution allay those fears, while others exacerbate them.
But despite the Lockean tenor of much of the constitution, the inescapable clause lies right in Part 1, Article 1: “Islam is the Religion of the State, and the principal source of legislation is Islamic Jurisprudence (Sharia).” Under this constitution, in other words, Islam is law. That makes other phrases such as “there shall be no crime or penalty except by virtue of the law” and “Judges shall be independent, subject to no other authority but law and conscience” a bit more ominous.
So there you go ... Libya now becomes Iran East. Egypt is now Iran Central. And the President of the United States of America is smiling about it. From ear to ear.
Draft Libya Constitution Puts Sharia Front and Center
It’s worth stressing that this is a draft. But it’s also worth stressing that it appears to be a draft written by the rebels who appear to have dislodged Gaddafi from power. As Rob Bluey nots in his post, it’s tough to determine its legitimacy at this point. Nevertheless:
As both the Morning Bell and Washington in a Flash noted today, Heritage Fellow Jim Phillips recently pointed out that Islamist forces “appear to make up a small but not insignificant part of the opposition coalition,” and must be prevented “from hijacking Libya’s future.” Parts of the draft Constitution allay those fears, while others exacerbate them.
Much of the document describes political institutions that will sound familiar to citizens of Western liberal democracies, including rule of law, freedom of speech and religious practice, and a multi-party electoral system.
But despite the Lockean tenor of much of the constitution, the inescapable clause lies right in Part 1, Article 1: “Islam is the Religion of the State, and the principal source of legislation is Islamic Jurisprudence (Sharia).” Under this constitution, in other words, Islam is law. That makes other phrases such as “there shall be no crime or penalty except by virtue of the law” and “Judges shall be independent, subject to no other authority but law and conscience” a bit more ominous.
Ominous indeed. Not surprising really, but ominous. As I’ve written before, if there’s one thing we need to understand about the Middle East after our experiences in Afghanistan and Iraq is that as much as millions there do want to be free, and they do, many millions want to be right with Allah and they place that desire above their desire for political freedom. That’s why, given the chance at real freedom, Iraqis and Afghans both wrote sharia into their constitutions. Christendom was once dominated by similar thinking of placing faith above political freedom, but hasn’t been since at least Martin Luther’s Reformation. And in my opinion, there is nothing in Islam to suggest that a Lutherian Reformation is even possible. There is no pope to rebel against, and Islam contains no doctrine of grace to hold onto. It’s all judgement, all the time.
Don’t get me wrong. I’m hoping for the best out of Libya. But as we’ve been reminded repeatedly since January 2009, hope is not a plan.
You can find similar wording in every constitution from Morocco to Pakistan (except Israel where it reads Judaism is the religion of the state..). This includes the nations we have fought to establish in Iraq and Afghanistan- American blood and treasure spent for 2 constitutions with the same wording! Put that in your hookah and smoke it.
There are plenty of people in America who would love our constitution to read "Christianity is the religion of the state and all laws will reflect a strict interpretation thereof.." I thank God the authors of our constitution were smarter than that.
Libya won't be perfect but any democracy is a step in the right direction.
Ernest, no matter how you look at it, Sharia is not amicable to democracy.
Most people in North Africa and the Middle East would not live under any laws not based on Islam. It is what they want, and it is what they will vote for. With a system of democracy when they get tired of this, they can change it. The world is better off with more ballot boxes and less dictators. If we had the same leader for 40 years, we'd be in the street too.
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