I'm serious...this is like I'm dreaming (a nightmare)...as this story at Breitbart details how Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu has supposedly agreed to at least some extent with Barack Hussein Obama's suicide plan for Israel-Palestine negotiations by at least putting on the table a West Bank border that would revert to pre-1967 lines.
I'm speechless. I am in shock.
The article states that Netanyahu is taking this stance in hopes that the Palestinians will not follow through on an effort for statehood via a United Nations resolution.
The only thing I can think of that has come about since Netanyahu emphatically dismissed this is that some information has come in that the Palestinians WOULD indeed get their way via the United Nations and the result of that could actually be worse. But still, there has been word that the U.S. would veto any such Palestinian move in the U.N. I am thoroughly confused and of course, sickened by this new twist.
Hopefully we will see some clarification soon.
I think there is something fishy with this story - it comes from a legit source in that it is an AP release see here:
Associated Press writers Mark Lavie in Jerusalem and Mohammed Daraghmeh in Ramallah, West Bank, contributed to this report.
But if you read in the story, they are taking this information from a television source. See below:
Now Netanyahu is basically accepting that framework, according to Channel 2 TV
Hopefully, this story will be found to be hogwash - let's hope.
TV: Israel agrees to negotiate over pre-'67 lines
JERUSALEM (AP) - In a dramatic policy shift, Israel's prime minister has agreed to negotiate the borders of a Palestinian state based on the cease-fire line that marks off the West Bank, a TV station reported Monday.
Up to now, Benjamin Netanyahu has refused to spell out his plan for negotiating the border. A senior Israeli official would not confirm outright that the prime minister was now willing to adopt the cease-fire line as a starting point, but said Israel was willing to try new formulas to restart peace talks based on a proposal made by President Barack Obama.
In a speech about the Middle East in May, Obama proposed negotiations based on the pre-1967 line with agreed swaps of territory between Israel and a Palestinian state. Netanyahu reacted angrily, insisting that Israel would not withdraw from all of the West Bank, though that was not what Obama proposed.
Now Netanyahu is basically accepting that framework, according to Channel 2 TV, offering to trade Israeli territory on its side of the line for West Bank land where its main settlements are located.
The official, who has been briefed on the talks, spoke on condition of anonymity because the contacts are still in progress. He said he would not deny the TV report, while refusing to confirm the specifics. He emphasized that Israel would not withdraw from all of the West Bank.
"We are willing in a framework of restarting the peace talks to accept a proposal that would contain elements that would be difficult for Israel and we would find very difficult to endorse," he said, answering a question about the Obama proposal.
Part of the reason, he said, was that Israel is seeking to persuade the Palestinians to drop their initiative to win U.N. recognition of their state next month, something the Palestinians are doing out of frustration with stalled peace efforts.
Palestinian officials said they had not received such a proposal from Israel.
Palestinians have demanded that Israel stop construction in its West Bank settlements and east Jerusalem before peace talks resume. Netanyahu wants talks with no preconditions where issues like settlements and borders would be discussed, along with his insistence that the Palestinians recognize Israel as a Jewish state.
The cease-fire line that marks the West Bank dates to the 1949 end of the two-year war that followed the creation of Israel. It held until June 1967, when Israel captured the West Bank, Gaza Strip and east Jerusalem, claimed by the Palestinians.
Palestinians and most of the world consider the 1967 lines a border, while Israel has always held that it was just a temporary truce line that does not dictate the location of the border.
Previous Israeli governments have accepted the cease-fire line as the basis for talks, and the two sides came close to agreement twice in the past decade before talks broke down over other matters.
Thorny issues like sharing Jerusalem and the fate of Palestinian refugees would remain after the border issue is resolved, but U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton has said that setting a border would defuse the explosive settlement issue by determining which of the enclaves would become part of Israel and which would not.
In the absence of an agreement to return to negotiations, the Palestinians are moving ahead with their U.N. recognition initiative. While a vote in the General Assembly would be symbolic and not legally binding, the Palestinians believe any international endorsement will isolate Israel and improve their position if negotiations resume.
Palestinian officials said Monday they plan to begin mass marches against Israel's occupation of the West Bank on Sept. 20, the eve of the U.N. vote.
Palestinian official Yasser Abed Rabbo said leaders hope to attract millions, and the protest will be the first of a prolonged effort. He said the campaign would be called "Palestine 194," since the Palestinians hope to become the 194th member of the United Nations.
"The appeal to the U.N. is a battle for all Palestinians, and in order to succeed, it needs millions to pour into streets," he said.
This is suicide for Netanyahu. Not political suicide, but every one in Israel really will be gunning for him.
I liked this article... The only thing is i wanted to link it to my facebook account DeAnna Tippens-Chandler... Can you like um, do something to help me out. I think it's important enough, or what you say is important enough to share with my friends.
Not sure I understand what you want...if you me to put your facebook link in the article, then no, that won't be done. If you want to copy and paste the link on your Facebook page, feel free.
:Holger Danske
Surely propaganda or misreporting. Bibi has always stood strong for his country, and as Findalis said, this would literal suicide for Israel.
24 hour rule. If it's still being reported this way in 24 hours, THEN it's time to worry.
Bibi is pulling one on Abbas. Netanyahu Concedes to Obama – if Abbas Drops UN Ploy
By calling Abbas' bluff and doing this Bibi is showing the world that Israel is ready to deal, to talk, the Arabs aren't.
Now does Abbas take the bait? I doubt it. Abbas is on a course of destruction (his). What does Bibi get out of this? Much. Israel gives up nothing and looks good. Arabs miss another opportunity to gain everything. And Obama looks like a fool.
If Abbas accepts it means the UN initiative must be dropped immediately and never used again. Can he do it? Will he have the balls to do it?
This is going to be fun watching.
Holger, I told you long ago, Bibi is a leftist at heart. His platform, at first, appeared to align somewhat with the rightist majority of the Israeli electorate, but, as usual, the leftists in government engineered an administrative configuration to go left, with Bibi at the helm.
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