Saturday, July 16, 2011

London Braces For the " Islamic Emirate Project "

For all of you out there that think that me and other counter-jihadists are blowing smoke about the danger posed to America by Sharia Law, I ask you to continue to monitor the progression of just that in the United Kingdom.

The story at The Blaze details a new initiative in London, England that will FORCE Sharia into a section of the huge British city.

From the story:

“Muslims Against Crusades” (MAC), an Islamic group based in the United Kingdom, plans to wage a propaganda campaign to make a portion of London accept Sharia law. They are calling it the “Islamic Emirates Project,” and it is designed to create beachheads for sharia across the UK.

“As part of our Islamic Emirate Project, Waltham Forest is to be the first borough to be targeted for an intense shari’a led campaign, introducing the prospect of Islamic law for the Muslim community to abide by.”

The MAC intends to convince Muslims in Waltham to self-enforce Sharia at first, and later to set up an ‘emirate’- an Islamic statelet with Sharia law replacing British legal codes.

According to CNS News, the MAC group has released its blueprint for the ‘emirates campaign’ to the public, including the following rules for Muslims to follow:

- reject democracy
- not have non-Muslim friends
- not celebrate non-Muslim festivals including Christmas and Easter
- not join the police or armed forces
- not vote for lawmakers, or stand for election
- demand the release of “all Muslim prisoners in the hands of the disbelievers”
- reject integration with non-Islamic society
- abide by shari’a and not any “man-made law”

Notice the name of this Muslim organization that is spearheading this...." Muslims Against Crusades." I have said it many times, that to this day, the radical muslims detest the word "crusades" or "Crusaders." Even after all of these centuries, these ragheads still are enraged by the thought of a Western people actually standing up to Islam....taking up arms and fighting back....killing Muslims as they defended their land and people.

Well, as you can see, this is the Islamic payback as they have infiltrated Britain and are setting up their Sharia zones and now these so-called "emirates."

So I truly hope that stories like this will wake some folks up in America because it IS starting here and once it begins, it is going to be nearly impossible to stop it.

‘You Are Entering a Shariah Controlled Zone’: UK Group to Wage Islamic Law Campaign

“Muslims Against Crusades” (MAC), an Islamic group based in the United Kingdom, plans to wage a propaganda campaign to make a portion of London accept Sharia law. They are calling it the “Islamic Emirates Project,” and it is designed to create beachheads for sharia across the UK.

The MAC group is specifically encouraging Muslims, who comprise 15% of Waltham Forest in northeast London, to enforce Islamic legal codes banning alcohol, gambling, drugs, smoking, pornography, prostitution and music concerts in their borough. MAC released a statement this week that said:

“As part of our Islamic Emirate Project, Waltham Forest is to be the first borough to be targeted for an intense shari’a led campaign, introducing the prospect of Islamic law for the Muslim community to abide by.”

The MAC intends to convince Muslims in Waltham to self-enforce Sharia at first, and later to set up an ‘emirate’- an Islamic statelet with Sharia law replacing British legal codes.

According to CNS News, the MAC group has released its blueprint for the ‘emirates campaign’ to the public, including the following rules for Muslims to follow:

- reject democracy
- not have non-Muslim friends
- not celebrate non-Muslim festivals including Christmas and Easter
- not join the police or armed forces
- not vote for lawmakers, or stand for election
- demand the release of “all Muslim prisoners in the hands of the disbelievers”
- reject integration with non-Islamic society
- abide by shari’a and not any “man-made law”

The MAC appears to be affiliated with professional Islamist provocateur Anjem Choudary- formerly of al-Mujaharoun and various other radical Muslim groups. Choudary is a known associate of Omar Bakri Mohammed, who was leader of al-Mujaharoun until he was kicked out of the UK permanently for his proclamations supporting Jihad.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That is just plain stupid
"release all muslim prisoners"
WHAT!? that just is intolerable discrimination against us christians! besides the UK is a CHRISTIAN country i dont care how many muslims live their it began a christan country and it always should be!