I Am Old Glory
I Am Old Glory: For more than ten score years I have been the
banner of hope and freedom for generation after generation of Americans.
Born amid the first flames of America's fight for freedom,
I am the symbol of a country that has grown from a little group
of thirteen colonies to a united nation of fifty sovereign states.
Planted firmly on the high pinnacle of American Faith
my gently fluttering folds have proved an inspiration to untold millions.
Men have followed me into battle with unwavering courage.
They have looked upon me as a symbol of national unity.
They have prayed that they and their fellow citizens might continue to enjoy the life,
liberty and pursuit of happiness, which have been granted to every American as the heritage of free men.
So long as men love liberty more than life itself;
so long as they treasure the priceless privileges bought with the
blood of our forefathers; so long as the principles of truth, justice
and charity for all remain deeply rooted in human hearts, I shall
continue to be the enduring banner of the United States of America.
Originally written by Master Sergeant Percy Webb, USMC.
I Am Old Glory: For more than ten score years I have been the
banner of hope and freedom for generation after generation of Americans.
Born amid the first flames of America's fight for freedom,
I am the symbol of a country that has grown from a little group
of thirteen colonies to a united nation of fifty sovereign states.
Planted firmly on the high pinnacle of American Faith
my gently fluttering folds have proved an inspiration to untold millions.
Men have followed me into battle with unwavering courage.
They have looked upon me as a symbol of national unity.
They have prayed that they and their fellow citizens might continue to enjoy the life,
liberty and pursuit of happiness, which have been granted to every American as the heritage of free men.
So long as men love liberty more than life itself;
so long as they treasure the priceless privileges bought with the
blood of our forefathers; so long as the principles of truth, justice
and charity for all remain deeply rooted in human hearts, I shall
continue to be the enduring banner of the United States of America.
Originally written by Master Sergeant Percy Webb, USMC.
I love this..beautiful
The message is this: Trust Freedom. Remember, tyrants never learn. The
restriction of Freedom is the limitation of human choice, and choice is the
fulcrum-point of the creative process in human affairs. As earth's
choicemaker, it is our human identity on nature's beautiful blue planet and
the natural premise of man's free institutions, environments, and respectful
relations with one another. Made in the image of our Creator, free men
choose, create, and progress - or die.
Free men should not fear the moon-god-crowd oppressor nor choose any of his
ways. Recall with a confident Job and a victorious David, "Know ye not you
are in league with the stones of the field?"
Semper Fidelis
Jim Baxter
WW II and Korean War
point-man/follower of The Lion of Judah
No one is smarter than their criteria.
Thank you for stopping by Flower
Sgt. Baxter, thank you for your service to this great country.
:Holger Danske
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