Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Olympia Food Co-op In Olympia, Washington Still Boycotts Israeli Products, Apparently Sides With Palestinian Terrorists

The Olympia Food Co-op in Olympia, Washington decided last year to boycott Israeli products and banned any food products coming from Israel from its shelves in its two stores. To date, Olympia Food Co-op has refused to end this boycott.

Here is what originally was released by the Olympia Food Co-op Board of Directors:

The Olympia Food Co-op Board of Directors has decided to boycott Israeli goods at their two locations in Olympia, Washington. At a July 15th meeting packed with Co-op members, the Board reached this consensus. The Co-op becomes the first US grocery store to publicly join the international grassroots movement for boycott, divestment, and sanctions (BDS) on Israel for its human rights abuses.

Co-op board member Rob Richards explained, “My hope is that by being the first in the US to adopt the boycott we act as a catalyst for other co-ops to join in. Each additional organizational entity that joins may have a very small effect on the big picture, but drop by drop fills the tub.”

Since the boycott implemented by this grocery retailer, we have all witnessed the Fogel massacre in Israel where most of the Fogel family was murdered in cold blood as they slept by two Palestinian men ages 18 and 19. You see the photo above of the massacre. I want you all to know that the Olympia Food Co-op is refusing to sell Israeli products because of what they deem as Israeli human rights violations - I ask you, look at that photo and tell me how Olympia Food Co-op can side with the animals that committed that attack on humanity?

Think of all the Jews in American who are affronted by this anti-Semitic act by Olympia Food Co-op. If you are against Israel, you are FOR Hamas and Hezbollah and Islamic Jihad. You are FOR the murder of innocent Jews in Israel.

And by the way, members of the board of directors of Olympia Food Co-op, I'd like to remind you that it was Palestinians who celebrated the deaths of 3,000 Americans on 9/11 while the people of Israel grieved for us. Think about that. And end this boycott NOW. And beyond that, issue an apology to the nation of Israel and Jews and Christians of America.

So, to my readers, if you would like to express your outrage towards the Board of Directors at Olympia Food C0-op, here is their email address:

And here are the names of the Board of Directors:

TJ Johnson
Rob Richards
Eric Mapes
Erin Genia
Rochelle Gause
John Nason
John Regan
Julia Sokoloff
Fern Moore
Ron Lavigne

There's another group of people that are intertwined in this boycott and those are the manufacturers and distributors and producers of products that go on the shelves of the Olympia Food Co-op. I wonder how many of these food manufacturers know that their products are being marketed by a company like Olympia Food Co-op. Do these companies agree with the boycott? Do these companies wish for me and you to stop buying their products ALL OVER THE COUNTRY due to their complicity with Olympia Food Co-op?

I will be compiling a list of the companies that have their products on the shelves of the Olympia Food Co-op with websites. Look for an update to this post with that information and when it is up, feel free to contact those food suppliers and see if they are "all in" with the anti-Semitic stance of one of their food retailers, Olympia Food Co-op.


in the vanguard said...

There is a war going on between good and evil in the world at large today. It's clear for all to take note. Both circles are mutually exclusive and people are beginning to choose their sides. Even those who remain silent in this war are choosing sides because silence in the face of evil is itself evil, as I heard said somewhere.

Holger Awakens said...


How many times do we have to go down this path? How many times do I have to mention that there will be unwavering support for Israel here until the day you hear the trumpets. So why don't you just hang out at the Arab appeaser sites or Stormfront? I won't miss your b.s.

I'm sure you've got better things to do. But at the same time, I always have time to erase any record of your ever commenting on this blog, no matter which of the screen names you use.

:Holger Danske

in the vanguard said...

My earlier comment clearly stated there's a world war ongoing wherein two, mutually exclusive camps are clearly being delineated, in that each camp's members will clearly distinguish themselves by the camp of their choice. One camp is Evil; The other is Good.

This Earnest fellow clearly chooses the camp of evil. He chooses the camp that celebrates the murder of innocent people, including infants. He'll go along with Hussein Barak because he too hates the Jews and hates G-d, even if aligning with this regime will bring his freedom to speak - to an end.