I was just at the Middle East news section of The Telegraph and there are literally over a dozen articles up regarding the massacre of people in Syria by the Syrian government - compare that to a blip here and there in U.S. news media - it's my contention that the U.S. media is downplaying the events in Syria because of Barack Hussein Obama's reasoning for going into Libya...if you take Obama at his word why we went into Libya, then the logical question is why he hasn't done the same in a worse scenario case in Syria.
But one article caught my eye in which a Syrian civilian is interviewed about what exactly happened in his city when the Syrian troops, tanks and now helicopters moved in to suppress the protests. One thing to take note of in the article below is the mention of "Hezbollah from Iran" being a part of the crackdown force and that those were the ones doing most of the killing. What the interviewee is actually referring to is the Revolutionary Guard forces that Assad brought in from Iran early on to assist in the crackdown.
Syria is out of control, folks. We are seeing first hand the ruthless nature of Assad and his minions - don't forget that Assad's old man did the same thing when he was in power years ago and faced the same kind of uprising. What you are also seeing is an American President who is clueless on what to do in the Middle East - he has taken military action where he shouldn't have and in this case, he's sent a couple of soft handed slaps. The Middle East is falling apart, the Middle East is going to explode into a wide scale war...while our leader sits on the 10th tee and yucks it up.
Syria: Eyewitness account of violence in Jisr al-Shughour
By As told to Piotr Zalewski, Antakya
1:00AM BST 11 Jun 2011
The situation is very difficult. They came and started to destroy our houses - all the houses where we were living are destroyed. They used tanks.
We are now at the Turkish border, in the mountains, near the border town of Güvecci. There are 3,000 families on the border now.
We, our children and families, we are all together. I am 20 years old and I have three children.
If they attack here, we will cross the border. They are in the city (Jisr al-Shughour) now, and they didn’t come after us.
We don’t have milk for the babies. From the Turkish jandarma (gendarmerie, the Turkish forces guarding the border) we will get milk. Everybody is sick, there is no milk for the babies.
Trouble started a long time ago, but today is the worst.
There is army and police, and the third group with beards. They are foreigners. They are Hezbollah from Iran, those that Assad required.
Mostly they are the ones killing the people. They have started it.
Some of us brought four children and three women, which were killed in the fighting. Now we want to go back to the city to bring the dead to Turkey.
Over night we will bring our relatives from Jisr to the border, we are making a plan.
Four children and three women died, they are with us.
Who ever goes back to Jisr is being killed. Who ever approaches, they kill them.
Three [helicopter] gunships dropped bombs and they shot at us. They also have tanks.
Before they came we escaped. Those who are left in the city have all been killed. They destroyed homes and burnt the harvest.
There are tanks, helicopters, Kalashnikovs, they have all kinds of weapons.
Erdogan is delivering bread to us. The Turkish people are bringing it, our Turkish brothers.
We only got bread when we reached the border. If you come to the border you will see us, you will be right next to us. We will not cross. We will go back and bring our relatives.
What can I do if I die, we have to bring our relatives. If you had a family, how could you not bring them back?
We don’t have guns, we only have the mercy of God.
They (Hizbollah) came to our houses and there we caught 60 of them. We had small pellet rifles, which we use to hunt birds. They came before the army - they came as scouts and we caught them.
After we captured them, we threatened them and they started to talk. They were scared and started to talk. They speak Farsi, so a translator helped us.
The army has split into a thousand pieces and most of the defectors have been killed.
We are not afraid of anything as men, but worried about women and children. We are so sorry for women and children in the mountains now.
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