We knew this was coming but some of us probably didn't think the Main Stream Media would show their hand this early, but an interview of Newt Gingrich on NBC's Meet the Press on Sunday revealed that no GOP candidate for President will be allowed to criticize ANYTHING about President Obama without dealing with a "aren't you a racist?" attack.
Watch the video below and see how the Democrat National Committee strategy to protect Obama has already been implemented by NBC's David Gregory:
Now, I have a bit of advice for all Conservative candidates for the Presidency. It's very simple and rudimentary advice.
I know it is tempting as all hell to get your face on national television and it strokes your ego to see the cameras on you but it's insane to put yourself into this line of attack. If someone called you up and said that if you are on the corner of Main St. and 1st Avenue at 10:00 a.m. you will be mugged and left for dead...would you show up?
Besides, the audience for NBC's Meet the Press or MSNBC's evening news or any of the leftist media outlets won't garner a conservative any votes to begin with. Why give the MSM anymore sound bites?
One more thing to mention about this. Has anyone had the nerve to ask David Gregory how many times he has asked Barack Hussein Obama if there aren't "Marxist"undertones to Obama's plans to do away with the Bush tax cuts? Come on David, certainly when Barack Hussein Obama was spouting off about redistributing the wealth in this country, you had the courage and the jounalistic integrity to ask him if that doesn't reek of Communism.
Didn't you?
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