Friday, May 20, 2011

Photo of the Day: Pure, Unadulterated Hate


Rose said...

He's intimidated in the presence of a man who has actually done something in his life - things that Obama could never in his wildest dreams survive.

A real man, v an effete man. What a shame for us.

Anonymous said...

Too bad Israel needs our money so much - otherwise BiBi could stay home and not come to Washington - he must need it bad.

Findalis said...

Is it me or does Bibi have the expression on his face that he needs to sterilize his hand after shaking Obama's?

in the vanguard said...

You nailed it, Holger - "unadulterated hate"!

By the way, anonymous - it's a mistake, a big one, to think Israel needs America's money. They have a thriving economy (unlike ours) and, by weaning off America's money, she'll resort to her own ingenuity instead.