Saturday, May 21, 2011

How To Destroy A Friendship

By Findalis of Monkey in the Middle

 Friendship is defined as:  A friendly feeling or disposition.  Yet in the last week we have witnessed President Barack Hussein Obama destroy the special relationship the United States has had with Israel.  A relationship based on mutual trust, understanding, and respect.  As of Thursday, all that is now a one-way street, with Israel being the friend and the United States actively and openly working to destroy the tiny Jewish state.

In doing this without condemning the violence perpetrated towards Israel, the official indoctrination of Anti-Semitism into the minds of Arab children, the rewriting of history with the purpose of distorting and obliterating the presence of the Jewish people from the Land of Israel, and finally the daily calls for the destruction of the State of Israel has displayed to the world (And especially Jewish voters.) that the United States is no longer a full partner with Israel but just one of many who condemn the Jewish state.

This has left Israel with very few options.  They can no longer trust the United States to veto resolutions in the Security Council that condemn it for any whim the Arab/Muslim world decides to invent.  And let us face it, these idiots invent so many things against the only beacon of freedom in the Middle East.

On Thursday President Obama was 45 minutes late in addressing the State Department in his second major address to the Muslim world.  He was on the phone with Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu of Israel who was vainly trying to get him to remove the  passage:  1967 borders.   This Obama did not do, nor was he going to.  In doing this, President Obama has effectively backed the Israelis into a corner.  They cannot return to the Auschwitz Borders, nor can they use it as the starting base in negotiations.

Without condemning Hamas for the rocket fire into Southern Israel, or Fatah for the murder of Israelis (Especially the slaughter of the Fogel family.), President Obama has effectively turned the Foreign Policy of the United States in a 180 degree turn away from Israel.

This is leaving President Obama with a problem here at home.  To be exact a Jewish Problem here at home.  While in 2008 President Obama received over 78% of the Jewish vote, today that support is down to 55% (The exact same number that Jimmy Carter received in 1980.) and it is dropping.  While in 2008 the Obama campaign found that their major donors were Jews, today donations from The Tribe is down 60%.  The more President Obama's foreign policy turns away from Israel and towards the Muslim world, the more Jews will desert him in favor of a candidate that is more appealing to their values.  In an economy that is doing well, with low gas prices, this wouldn't even be an issue.  As we know the economy is going to hell in a handbasket, gas is rising out of sight, and this is now a big issue with the Jewish voters.

As for what Israel will do.  Sources in the Israeli government have remarked that they are looking for a new partner.  A new friend.  Russia, France and Great Britain are no friends.  Their record of official anti-Semitism for centuries destroys that idea.  Instead the Israelis are sending out feelers towards China.  China needs a source of high technology.  While the Arabs have oil in abundance, they are very low on the Leaders of Technology scale.  And while Israel is very short on oil, it is a Leader in Technology (In robotics it will surpass the United States and Japan by 2015.).  China will be able to buy oil from anyone, but gaining the technological advantage takes more than money.  Takes a willing partner to help them.

It is a shame that the United States under the "leadership" of Barack Hussein Obama has destroyed the friendship between Israel and the United States and may have helped China become a technological giant by forcing a friendship between Israel and China.


Findalis said...


Rides A Pale Horse said...

"Never again"?