So, in this so-called religion of Islam, you have clerics....you know, "holy" men who impart knowledge of the Qur'an and of the religion to the masses. Muslims follow the words of their clerics like Christians in America follow the words of their pastors, priests and cardinals. So, one of the clerics inside of the Hamas ring in Gaza decided to do a television interview and impart more knowledge and instruction upon the Muslims in the Middle East.
As you will see below from the article over at Elder of Ziyon, the interview pulled the mask off of this cleric....and it pulls the mask off of all of those wishing a state for Palestine. This is the kind of statement by an islamic leader in the Middle East that reveals the true intent of the islamists in the region. It's about the destruction of Israel, it's about the massacre of the Jews.
I've searched and searched for a condemnation of these statements by the Hamas cleric from the Obama administration or any European leader but can't seem to find one. I guess there's nothing to really see here, huh? Move along...right?
Hamas MP calls for massacre of Jews - on TV
Following are excerpts from an interview with Hamas MP and cleric Yunis Al-Astal, which aired on Al-Aqsa TV on May 11, 2011:
Yunis Al-Astal: The [Jews] are brought in droves to Palestine so that the Palestinians – and the Islamic nation behind them – will have the honor of annihilating the evil of this gang.
...All the predators, all the birds of prey, all the dangerous reptiles and insects, and all the lethal bacteria are far less dangerous than the Jews.
...In just a few years, all the Zionists and the settlers will realize that their arrival in Palestine was for the purpose of the great massacre, by means of which Allah wants to relieve humanity of their evil.
When Palestine is liberated and its people return to it, and the entire region, with the grace of Allah, will have turned into the United States of Islam, the land of Palestine will become the capital of the Islamic Caliphate, and all these countries will turn into states within the Caliphate. When this happens, any Palestinian will be able to live anywhere, because the land of Islam is the property of all Muslims.
Until this happens, we must reject all the resettlement plans, naturalization, or even reparations prior to the return of the refugees.
Besides the genocidal statement on Hamas TV that the world will be happy to ignore because it doesn't fit into the latest mem of how "unification" is so wonderful, look at what al-Astal is saying:
Palestinian Arabs will be able to live anywhere they want in the larger Caliphate when the Jews are destroyed, but to allow them to live normal lives now in those exact same countries is unacceptable.
Does this sound like someone who loves Palestinian Arabs, or someone who wants to use them?
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