I've seen one report that Osama bin Laden's body was offered to Saudi Arabia for burial but that it was refused but haven't been able to confirm that anywhere else but this story from The Guardian details how the body of Osama bin Laden has already been buried...at sea.
From the report:
The dilemma of what to do with Osama bin Laden's body appears to have been quickly resolved if reports that he has been buried at sea prove correct.
Burying him on land could have led to his grave becoming a centre of contention as well as raising questions about where he should be buried.
"Finding a country willing to accept the remains of the world's most wanted terrorist would have been difficult," a US official said, adding: "So the US decided to bury him at sea."
Fears about Bin Laden's burial place turning into a shrine for Islamists were probably unfounded, since the Wahhabi/Salafi tradition rejects such things. Even Saudi kings are buried in unmarked graves.
Senior US officials initially told news agencies that his body would be disposed of in accordance with Islamic tradition, which involves ritual washing, shrouding and burial within 24 hours.
Although the swift burial complies with Islamic custom and should therefore avoid causing any offence in Muslim countries, the apparent haste could lead to claims that the person killed was not really Bin Laden – though the US authorities have taken DNA samples and appear to have no doubts.
So, here we have a man who led a war against the United States of America....not only did he kill nearly 3,000 Americans on 9/11/01 but he also approved attacks on the U.S.S. Cole and our embassies in Africa. The death toll of Americans due to Osama bin Laden is staggering...yet even in his death, American officials go out of their way to not offend Islam. Give me a break.
All over our world today, we will see hundreds more people killed by the islamists. Some will be at the hands of al Qaeda, some at the hands of dozens of other islamic terror groups. I think it's a little too late too be worried about offending Islam. Islam doesn't need an offense to strike out - they have been doing it since the very days of Mohammed in 650 A.D.
What would have happened if America had decided to bring bin Laden's body back to America? Al Qaeda would have gotten upset and announced "Death to America"?!
I didn't see the burial rights and traditions of Daniel Pearl or Nick Berg honored by the islamists did you? The New York imam wants to build a mosque ON TOP of body parts of Americans in New York City! I'm sorry, but this fake "religion" has done everything in its power to degrade humanity over the years - it has called for the end of Christianity and Judaism - it has devoured the flesh of free men for centuries and we find it necessary not to piss them off regarding the disposal of Osama bin Laden's body.
I'm guessing that my readers here at Holger Awakens have some better ideas as to how Osama bin Laden should have been laid to "rest."
Bin Laden's body buried at sea
The dilemma of what to do with Osama bin Laden's body appears to have been quickly resolved if reports that he has been buried at sea prove correct.
Burying him on land could have led to his grave becoming a centre of contention as well as raising questions about where he should be buried.
"Finding a country willing to accept the remains of the world's most wanted terrorist would have been difficult," a US official said, adding: "So the US decided to bury him at sea."
Fears about Bin Laden's burial place turning into a shrine for Islamists were probably unfounded, since the Wahhabi/Salafi tradition rejects such things. Even Saudi kings are buried in unmarked graves.
Senior US officials initially told news agencies that his body would be disposed of in accordance with Islamic tradition, which involves ritual washing, shrouding and burial within 24 hours.
Although the swift burial complies with Islamic custom and should therefore avoid causing any offence in Muslim countries, the apparent haste could lead to claims that the person killed was not really Bin Laden – though the US authorities have taken DNA samples and appear to have no doubts.
The 24-hour rule has not always been applied by the US in the past. For example, the bodies of Uday and Qusay Hussein – sons of the Iraqi dictator – were held for 11 days before being released for burial.
Burial at sea is rare in Islam, though several Muslim websites say it is permitted in certain circumstances.
One is on a long voyage where the body may decay before the ship reaches land. The other is if there is a risk of enemies digging up a land grave and exhuming or mutilating the body – a rule that could plausibly be applied in Bin Laden's case.
For sea burial, according to alislam.org, the body should be lowered into the water "in a vessel of clay or with a weight tied to its feet". The website adds: "As far as possible it should not be lowered at a point where it is eaten up immediately by the sea predators."
US Miltary bound by sharia law!?
Osama is Dead. But fellow travellers continue his mission.
Osama had to sneak a few guys onto planes. Meanwhile, a '5th column' has infiltrated education, courts, business, media, and taken over federal/state/local Government and bureacracies. These domestic enemies continue Osama's work, deliberately crashing the and America; economy, finance, law, industry, even liberty itself.
The current regime in DC is supporting AlQueada and Jihad- Strategically re-shaping the facts on the ground in the middle east, and even go so far as to have the US military openly providing air support for Al Queada in Libya. The current regime also supports the jihad in Dearborn, New York, and the rest of America. When it walks like a duck, quacks like a duck, and supports the jihad like a duck: Then it's a duck.
Fellow travellers with common objectives. Doing the same things for the same reasons.
They want to end you, and your way of life.
Maybe he was laid to rest in the Bay of Pigs. That would be fitting.
Should have tied his body to the back of a firetruck and drove it around lower Manhattan all afternoon. Then dumped the remains in the Harlem River.
That would work for me.
@ Sofa- How many people are part of this column? What should be done about them? People that run my local govt. are in league with Radical Islam?
Damn, I knew something was up when that man at the DMV grew a beard. I ain't seen the principle of the local high school at the BBQ joint in a while either. I smell a conspiracy.
ETB- You smell? Maybe you need a bath.
Jihad and Communism are at war with us, and they have been taking key terrain within our government and launching effective attacks on our society. If you don't see that, then ok. But please, take a bath.
"name one major war in world history dat Americans were not involved in"-anon
(you really ought to get out more)
Sobieski and Martel fought well:
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