Barack Hussein Obama, the "historic" President of the United States of America and also, who I would contend is the absolute luckiest President to ever hold the office.
In order to properly frame this up, for any newcomers to this site, I do not have a single thread of admiration or respect for Barack Hussein Obama. This man, in my view, hates America...was raised to adore Marxist socialism and Islam and over time, would more than likely destroy our country. I have found no common ground with this President. None.
With that said, I am reminded of a college football team that I also dislike immensely and that is the University of Notre Dame. I'm not even sure why but from my early childhood I didn't like Notre Dame and growing up in the Midwest, I was subjected to Notre Dame football games each and every damn Saturday. That football team over the decades (until probably just recently) was the luckiest damn football team I have ever seen...in fact, the phrase "Luck of the Irish" was mentioned more than a few times during Notre Dame football clashes. I can't count how many times Notre Dame pulled a game out of their ass in the last minute or two of the game! LOL
Okay, so now that you know about the lucky charm of Notre Dame...I can't help but see the same insidious luck that has befallen Barack Hussein Obama.
Let me point out some examples of the luck that Obama has had dropped in his lap in just the past few years:
- The most recent example of Obama's luck is the fact that a huge lead on a certain courier in Pakistan, one linked to Osama bin Laden, was uncovered by the U.S. during the Bush Administration's aggressive interrogation program of jihadis...and that lead came to fruition under Obama's watch and now Obama is basking in the glory of being the hero that got bin Laden. Bush's people put up with the crap and finger pointing for years for getting the kind of information we needed to find the most wanted man in history and Obama reaps the benefits of their work.
- Let's talk about the Gulf oil spill. When the Gulf of Mexico witnessed one of the most horrific oil spills known to man, Obama clearly had no clue and was the poster boy of inaction. Miraculously, the ocean itself started to heal itself of the polluting oil...literally in a couple of weeks the spill was almost completely gone.
- How about we talk Obamacare. In a move to pass probably the most controversial legislation in the history of America, Obama found three U.S. Senators who were literally in a spot where they could be bribed with back room deals. These Senators, at this critical juncture all were looking for specific "incentives" that would seal a vote of approval for Obamacare. Without those votes, Obamacare fails.
- Speaking of of Obamacare and pulling one out of your ass...anyone remember the Hail Mary of Bart Stupak? This was a Democrat congressman who held the fate of Obamacare in his hand and out of the blue, he believes that Obama will issue an executive order to guarantee that the Fed won't pay for abortions. Up until that point, Bart Stupak was held to be a man of reasonable intelligence.
- Let's go way back to the Presidential campaign of 2008. Anyone recall that surge that McCain was making in mid summer of 2008? The large lead that Obama had enjoyed had evaporated and McCain was actually ahead in some polls. So what happened? The second biggest financial crisis in the history of America came down. Out of the blue...right?
- Oh, and how about Bill Clinton? You know Bill...some call him the ace in the hole. Well, at one point in the primary between Hillary and Obama, we can all remember a red-faced Bill Clinton in South Carolina pointing that bony finger and telling the world that Obama "played the race card!" Six months later Bill Clinton was working harder than anyone on Obama's campaign staff to see that Obama got elected.
- And finally...there was a Chicago racketeer by the name of Tony Rezko. It would be safe to say that much of Tony's life was spent doing things the "Chicago Way" ...in other words, breaking every law in the land. And when it was discovered that Tony Rezko had a certain "involvement" with Presidential hopeful, Barack Hussein Obama...it was feared that Tony would literally smash the future of the Illinois senator. But, then an amazing thing happened. Tony Rezko fell off the map. Tell me, have you heard anything from or about Tony Rezko in the past 2.5 years?
You know, I'm not really done with the list but I'm a piss poor typist and I get bored easily so we'll end it there.
I do hope that Barack Hussein Obama has enjoyed the roll he has been on because it has always been my experience that someone who enjoys this kind of almost epic good luck eventually crashes and burns when it turns inside out. Case in point...the University of Notre Dame football team's record the past four years has been 17 wins, 20 losses. Some things just come around that went around.
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