This article from Family Security Matters digs into a recent controversy where a demented blogsite has decided that the best way to attack Sarah Palin is to ridicule her son Trig who has Down's syndrome.
Before I go any further, I need to reveal that a good friend of mine has a son with Down's syndrome. This young man is in his late teens and is quite frankly, living a full and wonderful life. He is happy and yes, he has challenging days, but at the same time, I have personally seen the joy that this young man has brought to his parents. I don't believe my friend and his wife knew ahead of time that their son would be born with Down's but anyone that would ask the question of whether they had had a choice to abort him would get an earful.
With that said, the article delves into the role of government and the "elitist academia" in determining just who lives and dies in our society. From the article:
n New Zealand, which also has socialized medicine, the situation is even more dire, as the government promotes the screening and killing of unborn children diagnosed with Down syndrome. As I noted in a previous column, “The new government policy in New Zealand was preceded by the completion of a report on the ‘cost effectiveness’ of aborting Down syndrome babies. It was determined that it was just too expensive to allow these babies to live.”
However, it appears that “60 Minutes”—the version that airs in New Zealand—may be turning a critical eye on what the government has been doing.
Mike Sullivan, a professional engineer in New Zealand, is the father of an almost-three-year-old girl with Down syndrome and an advocate for the rights of the handicapped. He says the upcoming New Zealand “60 Minutes” show covers the government’s “quality improvement” program that was introduced last year and targets unborn babies with Down syndrome for eradication through preventing births. “For those who are not aware of this issue,” he says, “the government’s screening program is preventing the births of 75 percent of people with Down syndrome and is a gross form of discrimination against this group of people, treating these people as less human than others.”
For those of you who did not catch the inconceivable attack on Sarah Palin's son at the blog, Wonkette, get ready to taste some bile as this is what was put up on that blog (and now has been removed) ....from Dana Loesch:
What’s he dreaming about? Nothing. He’s retarded.
His mom went to a lot of trouble to leak amniotic fluid over 8 states to make sure that he arrived in this world somewhat alive,”
Enjoy yourself today, Trig. Have fun! Get drunk (on purpose this time)! We can hardly wait for 15 years from now, when you will finally be able to vote and will be sent off by your mother’s junta to fight the Union in the Great Alaska War. It’ll be quite a loss. You’re the smartest one in that family.
These are the people of the world that think they know what is best for you and your family. These are the people that want to determine what the standards and morality should be in our society - they refuse to acknowledge the rights given to us by G_d and upheld by the Constitution. These are the sick mind fucks who think, since they read some off the wall books during their stint at a liberal arts college, they know more than you and me.
These people are menaces to society. If they lived next to you, you'd have a restraining order against them, but since many of them occupy the highest political offices in this land, they are literally turning their perverted mindset into laws that bind you and me.
To say that this blogger would poke fun and demean a child with Down's syndrome makes my blood boil would be an extreme understatement.
All I can say is that my friend's son, Chris, will get excited today about the upcoming Easter holiday where he gets to dig into some of his favorite holiday chocolates and the Wonkette blogger, at the same time, will be destined to spend his weekend writhing in self loathing like he has all of his life.
Progressive Media and the War on the Unborn
A pathetic blogger at the left-wing blog Wonkette made fun of Sarah Palin’s son Trig, who has Down syndrome. Dana Loesch of Andrew Breitbart’s Big Journalism website has exposed this whole sordid affair, noting, “This is what happens when a little-known blogger who edits the literary equivalent of the bathroom wall in Walmart isn’t clever enough to either write satire or convey why he doesn’t like the Palins. And this is considered acceptable by progressives.”
What drives a left-wing blogger to mock a little boy with a disability? Is it just hatred for Sarah Palin, a pro-life mother who exposes what is at stake in the battle over the “right to choose?” Or is it that a mother would bring a child with Down syndrome into the world?
This controversy is important because of what it says about the progressive mentality. The progressives, who like to think of themselves as guardians of the most vulnerable and defenseless among us, do not have any sympathy for people they believe should not exist or be born. They believe that a mother should terminate the life of a baby with potential defects. This is not only because of their belief that women’s rights always trump the rights of the unborn, but because it is too costly to take care of them, once they come into the world. They support Big Government and higher spending, except on babies whose visible and active lives would make left-wing feminists, a key part of their constituency, feel uncomfortable.
The Wonkette controversy goes far beyond a blogger with bad taste and no conscience. It tells us a lot about the mentality of the progressives in charge of the federal government who are moving ahead with implementation of Obamacare.
It is a fact that when government takes more and more control over the health care of the people, the government will inevitably take over more and more decisions about who lives and who dies. This is the obvious danger that confronts us as Obamacare unfolds. However, in the U.S., at least for the time being, we can make most of those decisions for ourselves. The news is breaking that “Baby Joseph” has returned to Canada, after receiving medical treatment from U.S. hospitals that he couldn’t get in his native country, which has socialized medicine. The costs of the medical operation, which left the child free from tubes and machines, were borne by Priests for Life.
In New Zealand, which also has socialized medicine, the situation is even more dire, as the government promotes the screening and killing of unborn children diagnosed with Down syndrome. As I noted in a previous column, “The new government policy in New Zealand was preceded by the completion of a report on the ‘cost effectiveness’ of aborting Down syndrome babies. It was determined that it was just too expensive to allow these babies to live.”
However, it appears that “60 Minutes”—the version that airs in New Zealand—may be turning a critical eye on what the government has been doing.
Mike Sullivan, a professional engineer in New Zealand, is the father of an almost-three-year-old girl with Down syndrome and an advocate for the rights of the handicapped. He says the upcoming New Zealand “60 Minutes” show covers the government’s “quality improvement” program that was introduced last year and targets unborn babies with Down syndrome for eradication through preventing births. “For those who are not aware of this issue,” he says, “the government’s screening program is preventing the births of 75 percent of people with Down syndrome and is a gross form of discrimination against this group of people, treating these people as less human than others.”
He says the documentary will cover these areas:
· The legal action that is being taken out by 23 parents and Right to Life of New Zealand against the government of New Zealand for crimes against humanity.
· Evidence that the government deliberately avoided public consultation on the new program and has excluded people with Down syndrome in their decision making.
· Evidence that the government understood the consequences of the program would be to reduce the number of births of people with Down syndrome.
· Presenting the everyday lives of people with Down syndrome, who are just “getting on with life like the rest of us.”
Sullivan says that while it is not entirely confirmed, it looks like “60 Minutes” of New Zealand will air the story next Wednesday, April 27. While the audience is in New Zealand, the program could be a warning of what could happen to America’s most vulnerable under Obamacare.
Only the "Palestinians" would send Downs children out with suicide belts. The civilized world knows these children are a gift to humanity. They is a very special quality about these children, and any family that has a Downs child knows this to be true. They are very lovable and, more important, extremely loving.
Children like Trig Palin are worth millions in the eyes of G-d compared to the scum of the left. They are filled with special souls. Souls with a great capacity for love and joy. They are G-d's special angels.
vanguard and Findalis,
Thank you both so much for such special comments on this.
:Holger Danske
I know Downs kids. In Israel they are treated somewhat better. This group of kids just performed at the Jerusalem Arts Festival. I bet those who criticize Trig couldn't pull off and evening like this!
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