Tuesday, April 5, 2011

14-Year-Old Suicide Bomber in Pakistan Wants to ‘Send All You Policemen to Hell’

Yesterday you might have seen my post here regarding the suicide bomb attack on a Pakistani Shrine that killed 41...that death toll now has grown to 49. In the article it stated that one of the suicide bombers had been subdued before he could get his bomb vest to detonate. Well, it turns out that the failed suicide bomber was a 14 year old boy.

And here is what he had to say, according to the report at CNSNews:

His accomplices brought carnage to a Sufi shrine, but the 14-year-old suicide bomber who was captured after his explosives failed to detonate was unrepentant.

"Let me go, I want to be a martyr," he said as he was being led away, according to police officer Khalid Mahmood. "I want to send all you policemen to hell!"

The boy, identified as Fida Hussain, was arrested at the shrine in central Pakistan shortly after Sunday's twin suicide blasts, which killed 42 people and wounded 100 others. The complex close to Dera Ghazi Khan in central Pakistan was crowded with thousands of people attending an annual festival.

This story points out two things - first of all, it reinforces what I have said all along that the evil of Islam is instilled in the young...the hate is introduced them from the early ages to the point that a 14 year old will commit such an act. I can't count the number of jihadi videos I have put up at this site that have shown adult Muslims teaching children to hate Jews and Christians...and in fact, imploring them to carry on jihad. Secondly, this arrest in Pakistan confirms what I have pointed out that the Taliban are using teen aged boys for many of their suicide bombing missions.

You see, the Taliban are involved in a holy jihad but when it comes to knowingly martyring themselves for allah, well.....they aren't all that keen about the idea....they seem to want to stay on this earth for awhile...so they recruit the young to do their deadly duty. I wonder what spot in Hell is reserved for the Taliban handlers who are in charge of wearing down a young boy to the point that he agrees to put on a suicide vest and blow up his body parts?

We saw the same in Iraq. We saw the yellow bellies of al Qaeda in Iraq, those "warriors" who wouldn't dare leave their compounds to face U.S. Marines face to face, convince distraught widows to become suicide bombers and it actually got to the point where al Qaeda in Iraq was recruiting mentally ill children to do their bidding.

What I'd like you to focus on here is this - imagine the carnage from the aftermath of this suicide bombing attack at the Pakistani shrine. There were 41 dead strewn about, there were twice as many laying their wounded, screaming in pain...there were body parts hanging from the building and vehicles and the stench of death began to permeate the bombing site...and this 14 year old boy saw the aftermath and was defiant and heartbroken that his bomb had not gone off. Think about that. Please.

(Hat Tip: a12iggymom)

File photo above.

14-Year-Old Suicide Bomber in Pakistan Wants to ‘Send All You Policemen to Hell’

Multan, Pakistan (AP) - His accomplices brought carnage to a Sufi shrine, but the 14-year-old suicide bomber who was captured after his explosives failed to detonate was unrepentant.

"Let me go, I want to be a martyr," he said as he was being led away, according to police officer Khalid Mahmood. "I want to send all you policemen to hell!"

The boy, identified as Fida Hussain, was arrested at the shrine in central Pakistan shortly after Sunday's twin suicide blasts, which killed 42 people and wounded 100 others. The complex close to Dera Ghazi Khan in central Pakistan was crowded with thousands of people attending an annual festival.

Another suspect was also detained at the shrine, but police gave no details about him.

On Monday, suspected militants struck again, this time at a bus station in the northwestern region of Lower Dir, where a bomb killed five people, said police officer Mohammad Gul. No group claimed responsibility, and the reason for the attack was not clear.

Information from the pair detained at the shrine could provide clues about he network behind the blasts.

The shrine was targeted because Islamist extremists regard the veneration of Sufi saints -- a much loved and widespread practice in Pakistan -- as un-Islamic.

Mahmood said both boys were apparently from North Waziristan, one of seven tribally administered areas close to Afghanistan. All those areas are militant hotspots, but North Waziristan is considered especially so. It is under virtual militant control and is home to extremists from around Pakistan and the world.

Young boys, often with little or no education, are often used by the Taliban as suicide bombers. As well as being less suspicious, terrorism analyst say their handlers find it easier to persuade them to carry out suicide missions.

Mahmood said Hussain and the other attacker were at the shrine around for around one hour before striking. When Hussain's vest failed to detonate, he threw a grenade but it exploded close to him, blowing off his hand. Police then fired at him, hitting him in his other arm.

He was being treated for his injuries Monday, Mahmood said.

His comments to policemen offer a glimpse into the level of indoctrination he had received.

"You all are accomplices of the enemies of Islam who are bent upon eliminating Islam and Muslims," he allegedly said. "If I get a chance, I will again strike as a suicide bomber."

In a brief phone call to reporters, a spokesman for the Pakistani Taliban, one of the country's largest and best organized militant groups, claimed responsibility. It is believed to be based in North Waziristan.

Followers of the Barelvi school of Islam, one of the two main branches of the religion in Pakistan, are most closely associated with the shrines and are seen as generally tolerant. The Deobandi school, of which the Pakistani Taliban mostly come from, regard worshipping at shrines as a deviation from Islam.

There have been at least five deadly attacks against similar shrines in Pakistan over the last two years.

While the attacks are motivated by religious differences, they also appear aimed at provoking sectarian warfare and making the government look weak because it is failing to protect the people.

The practice of visiting shrines is common among Muslims across South Asia, and those who do so insist they are not doing anything that contravenes Islamic law. The attacks on the complexes have caused anger, but many people -- including educated, middle class Pakistanis, choose to believe in conspiracy theories that hold Americans or other non-Muslim, foreign powers responsible.

1 comment:

Maggie@MaggiesNotebook said...

I see this hate in the children of Palestine. They are as good as drugged with it. It is beginning to terrify me, that we cannot stop the Islamic madness. We've had almost 10 years for American Muslims, and other Muslims living in the West to try to stand up to the Islamists that are here, specifically by reporting what is going on in our mosques, but it isn't happening. I don't think it ever will.

Holger there is only one way, and that is for Western Muslims to leave Islam. There is no other way.