Friday, February 4, 2011

Video: 16 Yr Old Russian Girl, First Time Shooting AK 47...What Could Go Wrong?


rgranger said...

'cause you couldn't just load 2 or 3 rounds for the first time she shoots. Hell I do that with my semi-auto pistols for people that haven't shot before...Usually just one until I see that they are not freaking out..

Solaris said...

Oh, I could tell that was gonna end badly when I saw how she was leaning back rather than hunching forward against the recoil. Worse, the dumb li'l gal was laughing about having almost killed someone when her rounds went absurdly wild.
Both she and the person who handed her the weapon without properly instructing her in weapons safety should be taken out back and beaten until they understand that a firearm means other people get killed.

Findalis said...

Reason #1 why you don't let children play with guns!