Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Video: Chris Matthews Shifts From Bashing Sarah Palin To Calling Michele Bachmann a "Balloon Head"


Anonymous said...

Dear Anonymous,
It's ok for you to hide like most cowardly liberals do. Of course you all claim satisfactory I.Q's;however what good does intelligence do when there is a complete lack of wisdom, ie, common sense.\


TedKrowsevelt said...

Dear "Other" Anonymous Person,

I was too lazy to login before, I am the anonymous poster at the top (I have posted here before).

Just to be clear, I am not a "cowardly liberal." I voted for Bush, twice, and McCain. If you need to label me with out knowing me you can use "Ted Roosevelt Conservative."

I do however think Bachmann and Palin (Since they are basically the same person) are complete morons. Spewing lies to get votes is not helping the RNC or the "Tea Party Express." (Infact, having a single spokesperson for the Tea Party, like Bachmann did last night, goes completely against the grassroots fundamentals of the initial Tea Party's founding.)

I would love for you to show me where Bachmann, Palin, Paul, Russo or any Tea Party leader has ever shown wisdom let alone common sense. I'm not singing the praises of Matthews here, he is moron too. Just in this case, he is correct. Bachmann is rewriting history to get votes out of one side of her mouth while at the same time the other side of her mouth accuses the left of doing the same thing.

I'm sick of all the party leaders from both sides. They have all been doing this song and dance for so long that they've crippled our country. Reed, Pelosi, Palin, Biden, Obama, McCain, Bachmann, Boehner, Clinton... their all the same to me. Mix in the Olbermans, Beck's, O'Reilly's, Matthews, and Martin's of this world and we are burried in suck.

Defending Bachmann because she has an "R" after her name and says things that you "wish" we're true is just crazy. That shows the lack of wisdom you claimed to have.

Holger Awakens said...


You make some interesting observations. My problem with the video is Matthews' blatant attack and the use of ridicule..."balloon head?" I mean, if Bachmann is lying, then I believe we can find a few lies (or a few hundred) from point is, what happens nationally if Sean Hannity calls Barack Hussein Obama "an empty suit" or "a lying sack" ?

Chris Matthews and the rest of these spineless momma boys have gotten away with these attacks on Conservative women that they never level on Conservative men. Someone needs to slap this clown around (figuratively, of course).

:Holger Danske

Montana said...

Michele Bachmann is like Sarah Palin, Christine O’Donnell, Sharron Angle and Linda McMahon, they are just not right but funny. I especially like the clip of Bachmann saying that the founding fathers abolished slavery, wow, what a liar, not the first or last time that will happen. Does anyone with self-respect real believe her?

Her response failed to say how we got here from eight years of poor leadership, two wars without end, diminished Civil liberties. Its like she crawl out from under a rock just to complain about our current President. We all know that Americans for Prosperity and Freedom Works started the Tea Party, grasroots, please.

TedKrowsevelt said...


Again, I am not defending Matthews, though Hannity is just as bad. All this sensationalism and lies from both sides of the Media, flown on the banner of "Editorializing" is preventing us from getting anything accomplished. The second the media became a multi-billion dollar industry was the day it became a 4th branch of the government.

My Grandfather would be PISSED.