Wednesday, January 5, 2011

The Childish Version of Chess Played By the Liberals

Imagine a game of chess being played between a mature adult and a 9 year old with ADD. That is a bit of the angle that this story at Family Security Matters takes in discussing the approach that Liberals take when confronting Conservatives on the issues of today.

Yesterday, I happened to catch part of the radio broadcast of Sean Hannity and he had Congressman Anthony Weiner on his show. I don't know if I've really ever heard anything quite like that exchange - it was LITERALLY as if Sean Hannity had a seven year old boy on his show. This wasn't an adult man talking about the next political year...this was Anthony Weiner throwing a tantrum, acting up in as snarky a way as he could. I swear, I was almost embarrassed for Hannity for having to deal with the situation. At one point in the interview, Weiner explained that he would vote with the Republicans on not raising the debt ceiling and his reasoning was an absolutely childish retort that the Right had won and he would be sure to help them because they certainly have the right ideas - it dripped with sarcasm and sour grapes - the only thing I can liken it to is when you inform your seven year old kid that he HAS to go along to Grandma's house this weekend and NOT go to a snowboarding trip with his friends - there's a combination of defiance and pouting and snark.

I've had it with interacting with the Left and one part of the article that I thing is absolutely spot on is this:

Liberals pretend to respect and value their pawns but, more often than not, they use and perceive those pawns as mere ends to a means, tools for a task, marketing dummies for a store front, or collateral damage to a greater cause which just happens to be their cause of the week. African-Americans, Latinos, women, pets, trees, children, the physically challenged, the poor, natural disaster survivors, war civilians, and those who enter this country illegally have all been and will continue to be used by liberals as their pet pawns of the week or month to further their own selfish agenda. Like logs to a fire, these pieces are only valued for how they can be used to further the larger liberal plan, typically with no concern for their own individual welfare.

There is a recent interview by Cenk Uygur who I believe was filling in on MSNBC of a gentleman from the conservative gay group "Go Pride." In that interview, Uygur attacks the gay man for being "crazy" enough to support Republicans who obviously hate gays (in the terms of the interviewer). In that exchange and interview, we see the childish chess game played by this Leftist journalist - he uses the gay community as a log to a fire as the article refers above...I mean, seriously, here we have a muslim journalist laying into conservatives for the treatment of gays - a muslim, who's very "religion" condones the execution of gays.

Let me end with this - have you ever noticed how a Liberal will NEVER answer a question? Try it out sometime. When you run into an argument with a Liberal, simply start peppering him or her with questions...perhaps one like "why is it that Liberals never do anything to reduce the deficit in this country?" What you will get back will be either them asking YOU a question, like "Wasn't it the Republicans who increased the deficit under Reagan and Bush?" or you will get a snarky laugh and then a comment like "Go google the Reagan deficit." You will NOT get an answer. You'll never get any answer.

Liberals Have Their Own Version of Chess

Nearly four decades ago, I was introduced to the game of chess by my sixth grade teacher. He wanted to hold a class chess tournament and, as an afterthought, offered to teach chess to those poor, deprived souls who thought that chess was a more sophisticated version of checkers. I was one of those poor slobs, but I was hungry to learn the game. There was a two week gap between the end of the chess lessons and the tournament, and our teacher encouraged those of us who had just learned how to play to enter the tournament. He reasoned that locking horns with experienced players would accelerate our development from pure novices to bruised novices. After all, who in their right mind would expect someone who had just learned how to play to make any noise in a chess tournament?

Well, I managed to shock a few overconfident players on my way to the final match, where I played to a draw before a crowded room of onlookers and then, in an anticlimactic rematch, lost before five students and Harold the gerbil, our class mascot. I had chess fever in those days, playing friends and family at least 10 times a week and getting decent at the game. Eventually, life got in the way of chess time, and I now play sporadically and, sad to say, often haphazardly, to much less impressive results.

Despite my recent disloyalty to this fascinating game, I am still fascinated by the nuances, strategy, and life lessons it instills. This beautiful game teaches us to be patient, plan our moves a few steps ahead of the present, be willing to work hard, be realistic, take responsibility for our moves, learn and apply the rules of the game effectively, think of the greater good, maintain tradition and history, learn from our mistakes, accurately assess and measure our opponents, and respect the value and power of all pieces, whether they be a pawn or a King. It occurs to me that true conservatism teaches us these very same values.

Looking the Left, however, we see a different version of chess which is based on vastly different values and motives. For all of its hype and bluster, Liberalism is steeped in impatience, the here and now, finding the easy way, delusion and fanciful thinking, excuses and pointing fingers at others, cheating and bending the rules, selfishness, mocking tradition and history, ignoring mistakes and not letting the truth get in the way of propaganda, demonizing and destroying opponents, and giving value to pieces based on what they can do instead of their own unique, inherent qualities.

One only need look at the way the Left rushes forth half-baked, poorly defined, selfishly motivated legislation such as the Dream Act and the Fair Use Doctrine. These people slap together a few social good mantras, prop up a handful of weeping families with tearful tales, wave a few signs displaying clever accusations and supposedly profound insights, add a few violins and pathetic strips of patriotism, and expect the sea to divide, mountains to spread, and the populace to either bow at their feet or roll over and play stupid. Typically, the Left’s definition of strategy is to run over, mock, demonize, terrorize and/or ignore the opposition, which is proclaimed to be and painted by their pet media as ignorant, intolerant, stupid, and/or dangerous.

The Left’s impatience is most probably born from the fact that even they realize that their ideas, insights, and pet agendas have the shelf life of vanilla ice cream under a hot July sun. They cannot plan a few moves ahead because they either do not care what is around the bend or figure that the car wreck they will eventually cause is not something they want to foresee. One does not push myopia while offering glasses, telescopes, or microscopes. Likewise, being realistic and taking responsibility is not how the Left rolls. Theirs is a world of illusions, delusions, excuses, and pointing fingers which, consistent with the Left’s genetic makeup, are incapable of pointing inward. In addition, liberals treat history and tradition like annoying, vile weeds to be pulled from the ground and flipped into the trash bin. Rules, unselfishness, mistakes, and the truth are all similarly annoying thorns in the Left’s side which more often than not get in the way of their agenda, mission, crusade, and fanciful march toward the kind of society they envision while admiring images of Marx or Bill Clinton. Lastly, Liberals often believe in the motto that if someone is not on their side, that someone must be an idiot, hick, religious fanatic, intolerant moron, or any combination of the above. Any valid voice or reasoned disagreement is often drowned by the constant drone of patronizing mockery or smug accusation.

Liberals pretend to respect and value their pawns but, more often than not, they use and perceive those pawns as mere ends to a means, tools for a task, marketing dummies for a store front, or collateral damage to a greater cause which just happens to be their cause of the week. African-Americans, Latinos, women, pets, trees, children, the physically challenged, the poor, natural disaster survivors, war civilians, and those who enter this country illegally have all been and will continue to be used by liberals as their pet pawns of the week or month to further their own selfish agenda. Like logs to a fire, these pieces are only valued for how they can be used to further the larger liberal plan, typically with no concern for their own individual welfare.

Liberals play a different form of chess in our society. It is based on bullying, mocking, patronizing, manipulating, and demonizing others and pretending, excusing, and ignoring away reality and the truth. Rules are either twisted, bent, ignored, or created to serve the greater agenda, and those who break the rules are glorified, coddled, and served. Welcome to the Left’s version of chess, where rules are decorations, people are pieces to manipulate, and the only things that apparently matter are personal comfort, finding shortcuts, and playing the victim. For the sake of our children and our country, we need to take the chess board away from these toddlers before they checkmate our future.

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