Okay, first off, a HUGE HEARTFELT thank you to the citizens of Oklahoma for passing the amendment to their state constitution that includes provisions to ban sharia law in that state - on Tuesday, over 70% of the people in the state recognized the future threat and put the islamists in their place.
From the article at Human Events:
From the article at CBN News:
Let's face it - if every state passes this same type of amendment, the clowns at CAIR might as well pack their bags and move their operation back to Egypt where their overlords from the Muslim Brotherhood hang out. So CAIR is ready to call out all of the stops and I'm predicting that they won't make this a sharia law definition issue - they will make it an "islamophobia" issue and will try to gain the support of black civil rights leaders.
Can you imagine....Al Sharpton marching down the streets of Oklahoma City carrying a sign that says "Sharia Is the Peoples' Right!" ? LOL
A word to CAIR - the people of Oklahoma have spoken. They recognize the snake oil your violent political ideology is selling. They will protect their children from your attack. So I would suggest your withdraw any lawsuit, slink back into the shadows, and quietly disappear. You've heard the saying "don't mess with Texas"? Well, I don't think you want to fuck with Oklahoma.
From the article at Human Events:
Voters have passed an amendment to the Oklahoma state constitution to ban the use of Islamic Sharia law in the state courts by an overwhelming 70% of the vote. The amendment also bars judges from using foreign law in rendering decisions.Great news, huh? Well, better hold on to your hat for a bit...because the islamic terrorists from C.A.I.R. (Council on American-Islamic Relations) have put on their ACLU costumes once again and are going to challenge the new Oklahoma amendment in court.
Seen as a pre-emptive strike, Oklahoma now joins Louisiana in blocking Sharia law, a draconian legal doctrine that does not recognize the most basic human rights as measured by any Western standard.
From the article at CBN News:
- MEDIA ADVISORY -Now, obviously, this move by CAIR doesn't surprise me one bit but I think what will surprise some of us is going to be the way that CAIR will actually leverage their complaint against the vote. As you can see from the media announcment there, CAIR is holding a press conference with "civil rights leaders" as well - and that, I see is the wedge that CAIR wants to use in this battle.
CAIR to Announce Lawsuit Challenging Okla. Anti-Islam Amendment
(OKLAHOMA CITY, OK, 11/3/2010) -- On Thursday, November 4, the Oklahoma chapter of the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR-OK) will hold a news conference with religious and civil rights leaders in the State Capitol Building to announce the filing of a lawsuit challenging the constitutionality of an anti-Islam ballot measure (State Question 755) passed in yesterday's election. The measure amends the state constitution to forbid judges from considering Islamic law or international law when making a ruling.
Let's face it - if every state passes this same type of amendment, the clowns at CAIR might as well pack their bags and move their operation back to Egypt where their overlords from the Muslim Brotherhood hang out. So CAIR is ready to call out all of the stops and I'm predicting that they won't make this a sharia law definition issue - they will make it an "islamophobia" issue and will try to gain the support of black civil rights leaders.
Can you imagine....Al Sharpton marching down the streets of Oklahoma City carrying a sign that says "Sharia Is the Peoples' Right!" ? LOL
A word to CAIR - the people of Oklahoma have spoken. They recognize the snake oil your violent political ideology is selling. They will protect their children from your attack. So I would suggest your withdraw any lawsuit, slink back into the shadows, and quietly disappear. You've heard the saying "don't mess with Texas"? Well, I don't think you want to fuck with Oklahoma.
CAIR Tips Hand; Sues OK Over Anti-Sharia Law
The Council on American-Islamic Relations, which fashions itself as a Muslim ACLU, is suing over Oklahoma's new anti-Sharia law. This hit my inbox today:
CAIR to Announce Lawsuit Challenging Okla. Anti-Islam Amendment
(OKLAHOMA CITY, OK, 11/3/2010) -- On Thursday, November 4, the Oklahoma chapter of the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR-OK) will hold a news conference with religious and civil rights leaders in the State Capitol Building to announce the filing of a lawsuit challenging the constitutionality of an anti-Islam ballot measure (State Question 755) passed in yesterday's election. The measure amends the state constitution to forbid judges from considering Islamic law or international law when making a ruling.
Or...as Robert Spencer's Jihadwatch put it, "Oklahoma bans stonings, amputations for theft, death for apostates, Muslims cry 'Islamophobia.'"
CAIR is like the ACLU, in some ways. Both push radical agendas while posturing as protectors of the persecuted. CAIR is a master at tapping into and manipulating the guilty multiculturalism that infects a lot of newsrooms and government agencies in order to get the coverage or policy changes it seeks.
But CAIR has also earned a sinister reputation that is harder and harder to outrun. These very serious allegations against CAIR were successfully defended in a libel trial that I covered. CAIR was also an unindicted co-conspirator in the Holy Land Foundation terror trial. And when an undercover intern got a job at CAIR headquarters, the result was the book "Muslim Mafia," which featured...
"-New evidence that CAIR was launched to support the Hamas terrorist group, and has transferred tens of thousands of dollars to a group recently convicted as Hamas' top fundraising arm in the U.S.
-Internal documents showing CAIR, despite claims of cooperating with law enforcement, actively works behind the scenes to mislead and deceive the FBI on behalf of terrorism suspects and has even cultivated Muslim moles inside law enforcement who have tipped off FBI terror targets;
-CAIR is more closely tied to al-Qaida than previously reported;
-CAIR and its sister fronts are funded by foreign Muslim Brotherhood sources;
-CAIR leaders share the Muslim Brotherhood's ultimate goal to replace the U.S Consitution with Sharia law."
The punchline: CAIR didn't sue the authors for libel (which would be expected if the book's allegations were false). Instead, CAIR sued over breach of fiduciary duty, breach of contract, trespass, and violation of the Electronic Communications Privacy Act.
That says a lot.
Defending Sharia law in Oklahoma will only strengthen the view of CAIR as a front for radical Islam.
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