You know, if the people behind the construction of the Ground Zero Mosque intentionally tried to piss off the American people any more, they couldn't do a better job than they already are. The latest affront to Americans is the fact that the developers have now applied for a federal grant that would give them $5 million for help in constructing the mosque on our Holy ground and that money would come from the taxpayers of America. Check that. The fact of the matter is that taxes paid by the families of the victims of 9/11 would PAY FOR THIS SYMBOL OF ISLAMIC VICTORY.
From the article at the Daily Mail:
Developers of a planned mosque at New York’s Ground Zero have applied for a $5million grant from a fund set up to rebuild the city after 9/11.
The audacious application was put in to the taxpayer-funded ‘community and cultural enhancement’ programme designed to repair lower Manhattan following the terrorist outrage.
If the application is successful,the money will be reportedly used to cover educational facilities at the 13-storey building and not the controversial prayer room.
But even so it will spark outrage and fury amongst the families of those who lost loved ones and re-ignite the row over the entire project.
The Park51 mosque has become a lightning rod for anti-Muslim feeling, with poll after poll indicating it should not be built so close to where the Twin Towers fell.
Serious questions have been raised about its backers including controversial Imam Feisal Abdul Rauf who refuses to rule out obtaining funding from countries in the Middle East which have backed terrorist regimes.
‘If Imam Feisal and his retinue want to know why they're not trusted, here's yet another reason,’ said. Irshad Manji, author of The Trouble With Islam and Director of the Moral Courage Project at New York University.
‘The New Yorkers I speak with have questions about Park51. Requesting money from public coffers without engaging the public shows a staggering lack of empathy - especially from a man who says he's all about dialogue.’
So there you have it. Another sharp stick in the eye of Americans from Manhattan, New York to Manhattan, Kansas. I wonder if the American peoples' tax dollars going into this public shame would mean that we actually own part of it? And if we own part of it, we just might be able to tear the son-of-a-bitch down? Hmmmm.
Anyway, I have two words for the developers of Park 51. Fuck you. You will NOT build this mosque, boys. And that, not the $5 million, you can take to the bank.
(Hat Tip: Learner)
Ground Zero mosque developers apply for $5m grant... from fund set up to rebuild Manhattan after 9/11 attacks
Developers of a planned mosque at New York’s Ground Zero have applied for a $5million grant from a fund set up to rebuild the city after 9/11.
The audacious application was put in to the taxpayer-funded ‘community and cultural enhancement’ programme designed to repair lower Manhattan following the terrorist outrage.
If the application is successful,the money will be reportedly used to cover educational facilities at the 13-storey building and not the controversial prayer room.
But even so it will spark outrage and fury amongst the families of those who lost loved ones and re-ignite the row over the entire project.
The Park51 mosque has become a lightning rod for anti-Muslim feeling, with poll after poll indicating it should not be built so close to where the Twin Towers fell.
Serious questions have been raised about its backers including controversial Imam Feisal Abdul Rauf who refuses to rule out obtaining funding from countries in the Middle East which have backed terrorist regimes.
‘If Imam Feisal and his retinue want to know why they're not trusted, here's yet another reason,’ said. Irshad Manji, author of The Trouble With Islam and Director of the Moral Courage Project at New York University.
‘The New Yorkers I speak with have questions about Park51. Requesting money from public coffers without engaging the public shows a staggering lack of empathy - especially from a man who says he's all about dialogue.’
The application was made to the Lower Manhattan Redevelopment Corporation, which is overseeing the $20billion (£12.5billion) in federal aid which is earmarked for rebuilding New York and its communities.
The bid appears to have been legal as religious groups can make such requests ‘as long as the request is for a facility or portion of a facility that is dedicated to non-religious activities or uses’.
However the board that makes the final decision must also consider its commitment to ‘an open, inclusive, and transparent planning process’ which could scupper the deal.
What is clear is that the application is well above the $100,000 to $1million which is the recommended range for grant applications, something else the board will have to weigh up. The board's decision is expected next year.
Currently on the site of the proposed mosque is a disused branch of Burlington Coat Factory which will be demolished to make way for the new $70million (£44million) building.
Construction is due to begin on September 11 next year – the tenth anniversary of the terrorist attack.
Some 2,995 people including 67 Britons were killed when terrorists flew passenger jets into the Twin Towers on September 11 2001.
The funding application was uncovered by U.S. politics and culture blog The Daily Beast.
It polled its readers to ask if the move was ‘inappropriate’ and 75 per cent agreed.
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