Because only of geography, I did not have the honor of casting my vote yesterday for Ilario Pantano in the House race in North Carolina, but I tried to support him throughout his campaign. A braver Marine, a more intelligent man, a more patriotic American was not to be found on any ballot yesterday. It's with a tear in my eye that I thank you 2nd Lt Pantano for all the blood, sweat and tears you put into this race for Congress, and it's my dream that you will be there again in two short years.
The following is the letter that Ilario Pantano sent out late last evening.
The following is the letter that Ilario Pantano sent out late last evening.
My Sincere Thanks
I will write more soon, but I wanted to send you the news that though we lost this battle in North Carolina we have won the 2010 war across the United States: fellow conservatives have taken the House. That is the victory we need to correct the course of our nation. There is a great deal of work ahead of this new Congress, and we will do everything to support their efforts.
My friends and supporters, we fought a good fight and never would have made it this far without every single one of you doing your utmost. I couldn't ask for more, and yet even when I did, you delivered each and every time. Everyone I know contributed so greatly to this campaign, and I assure you we left it ALL on the field. I am proud of my commited and disciplined campaign team, and very grateful to each of you who were part of this monumental undertaking.
My heart is with you. My strength is in God. Thank you everyone for pouring out your heart, your lives, and your livelihood. Nothing is in vain, and we don't yet know how God will use this. But...we do know that it will be for our good.
God bless you, and God bless our beloved America.
Semper Fi!
Ilario Pantano
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