Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Video: Iranian Shias Publicly Execute Wahhabis WARNING GRAPHIC - Public Hanging


in the vanguard said...

Do people in the free and civilized United States understand what freakish enemies we have? All they need do is LOOK at what they do to their OWN KIND in their end of the world, and then imagine what they would want to do here, should they be given a foothold.

Holger Awakens said...

Well said, vanguard. Well said.

:Holger Danske

Hog Whitman said...

Jesus. As disgusting as this is, you'd think they could hang some dudes in a quick, efficient manner. I've seen better organized Chinese fire drills. Hell, one of the hangees actually has to help them hang him.

The only nukes they need are the ones we drop on them. Most of the civilized ones have already left. A 5 megaton airburst high over Tehran should get the rest to skedaddle before we level the place and start over.