Sunday, October 24, 2010

Did the Obama Administration Turn Off the Predator Drone Strikes In NW Pakistan?

I'm sure there are a number of faithful Holger Awakens readers who are wondering how we can have possibly gone Friday, Saturday and a good portion of Sunday this weekend without a single predator drone strike hitting NW Pakistan - I understand, and yes, I'm wondering the same thing.

The last UAV strike occurred on October 18th and as most of the faithful readers here know by now, the weekends are prime time for sending hellfires up the asses of Taliban and al Qaeda in North Waziristan and occassionally in South Waziristan. So what has changed? Anything?

Now, this is pure conjecture on my part, and we could see a drone strike happen three hours after I post this but it's my gut feeling that the Obama administration has contacted the CIA and told them to put these UAV operations on hold. Why? Because of all of the "talks" underway in Afghanistan and Europe between certain Taliban factions and Coalition members as well as the Afghan government.

It's my belief that one of the conditions the Taliban put up front before these talks could really get serious was that the predator drone strikes end in NW Pakistan. And that, my readers, is why the pages here are silent.

Now, you all know my displeasure with these proposed talks with the Taliban and if I am right in this summation about the ban on UAV strikes, we are seeing the Obama administration do away with one of the most effective tactics against the Taliban that we have utilized. The drone strikes have changed the movement of Taliban, these strikes have literally cut down the number of cross border attacks by Taliban into Afghanistan. And this doesn't even address the long list of top leaders of both al Qaeda and Taliban who have been taken out.

Does it surprise me that Obama would take away one of our most effective weapons? Hell no. This guy couldn't lead his own family on an effective tour of Disney World. And believe me, I'm hoping I am wrong in all of this - I truly hope that later this afternoon, we have three different UAV strikes in North Waziristan but the silence this weekend is deafening and if we indeed find out that we gave in to a Taliban demand for these peace talks, the pages of Holger Awakens are gonna become scorched earth.


Lysol said...

I hope you are wrong too. But I've long said that the CIA ultimately takes orders from the President, which is something a few people have argued with me.

My gut tells me that the majority of the mass bombardment was aimed towards European based jihadis. Germans, British, French muslims that were in Pakistan for training. I'm hoping that this is the case...We collected enough tissue samples and dental records to convince us that the vast majority of the European jihadis are dead.

With that being said, I do find the timing very suspicious. Why stop bombing right after traitor Karzai admits he has been "surrendering" to the Taliban for months?

Anonymous said...

Actually, it was the EPA that ordered the drones stand down on information from the new NASA Muslim Outreach Satellite Quorum (MOSQ) that showed an increase in greenhouse gases from all the rotting muj.

Holger Awakens said...

Good analysis, Lysol and as for Anonymous....I'm STILL laughing my ass off over that comment!

Great job.

:Holger Danske