Sunday, September 26, 2010

University of Illinois Professor Says "USA! USA!" Chant at Football Game Hurts the Feelings of Muslims, Is "White" Propaganda

You know, why don't people like professor David Green of the University of Illinois just go in to work tomorrow morning, grab a number of empty cardboard boxes, and simply empty out their desks, clear out their closet and leave? Why don't they then meet the movers at their home and sign off on the load of furniture place in a moving van and then head to the airport with that one way ticket for anywherebutnotAmerica? Just fucking leave, putz. You know, there really isn't any governmental force KEEPING you here, Mr. Green. Just get out - we won't miss your sorry ass one bit.

From the story over at StopTheACLU, we see how professor Green penned an angry letter after he was exposed to a "horrible" site at a football game - the unspeakable military jet flyover and then the horrific chanting of the crowd yelling "USA! USA!". Here's what David Green had to say after the event:

The vast majority of 9/11 observances in this country cannot be seen as politically neutral events. Implicit in their nature are the notions that lives lost at the World Trade Center are more valuable than lives lost in Afghanistan, Iraq, Palestine and elsewhere; that the motives of the 9/11 attackers had nothing to do with genuine grievances in the Islamic world regarding American imperialism; and that the U.S. has been justified in the subsequent killing of hundreds of thousands in so-called retaliation.

The observance at Saturday’s football game was no different. A moment of silence was followed by a military airplane flyover; in between, Block-I students chanted “USA, USA.” This was neither patriotism nor remembrance in any justifiable sense, but politicization, militarism, propaganda and bellicosity. The University is a public institution that encompasses the political views of all, not just the most (falsely) “patriotic.” Athletic planners should cease such exploitation for political purposes. They might at least consider how most Muslim students, American or otherwise, would respond to this nativist display; or better, Muslims and others that live their lives under the threat of our planes, drones and soldiers.

The overwhelmingly white, privileged, Block-I students should be ashamed of their obnoxious, fake-macho, chicken-hawk chant, while poverty-drafted members of their cohort fight and die in illegal and immoral wars for the control of oil. University administrators need to eliminate from all events such “patriotic” observances, which in this country cannot be separated from implicit justifications for state-sponsored killing.

Good grief. Where do I start? Green proposes that anyone in that stadium is supposed to be focused on the feelings of muslim students there? And what the hell is this about the fact that a chant of "USA" would make muslims feel bad? Aren't they Americans? Shouldn't muslims be on their feet too....rocking with the crowd getting into the chant?

And where does this clown, this college professor, this educator who is standing each day in front of our children, get off with the insertion of the race card into his objections? He goes out of his way to point out that the crowd at the football game was "white" and "privileged." Hmmm. Let me ask you this Mr. Green. At a University of Illinois football game, there are probably close to 80,000 spectators. I'm just curious ... how did you determine that those people were "privileged?" Is it because most were white and thus all white people are privileged? Or is it because anyone that can afford the huge tuition at that University, anyone that can afford to pay the inflated salary of a college professor like you, has to be walking around with a silver spoon in their mouth?

This college professor is a perfect example of just what has to be gutted from our colleges in America. American families need to start making some sound decisions on where they send their kids - and I, for one, would be damned if I'd allow my child to sit through even one class put on by this Marxist traitor. Perhaps when the University of Illinois finds out that their enrollments are dropping like a stone, especially in the field of study put out by Mr. Green, they will come to the conclusion that no one is going to put up with this kind of extremism being imposed on our children.

Illinois Professor Says Chanting ‘USA’ is Bellicose Propaganda

Oh, you ignorant Americans with your venal patriotic chants of “USA, USA” at sporting events. Your bellicosity isn’t patriotism, it’s propaganda and lowly militarism… so says David Green, University Administrator and member of the University of Illinois Institute of Government & Public Affairs.

Green’s poisoned pen letter to American patriots was published by the Daily Illini, an “independent newspaper” at the U of I, and features every manner of attack on America.

Green’s vituperation covers the gamut of anti-Americanism: America is “imperialist,” she is unconcerned over the deaths of Muslims, America is”nativist,” and patriots are prone to “obnoxious, fake-macho, chicken-hawk” chants. In other words all that is wrong with the world is evinced in the United States of America.

The professor’s screed was short, but filled with hate for America:

The vast majority of 9/11 observances in this country cannot be seen as politically neutral events. Implicit in their nature are the notions that lives lost at the World Trade Center are more valuable than lives lost in Afghanistan, Iraq, Palestine and elsewhere; that the motives of the 9/11 attackers had nothing to do with genuine grievances in the Islamic world regarding American imperialism; and that the U.S. has been justified in the subsequent killing of hundreds of thousands in so-called retaliation.

The observance at Saturday’s football game was no different. A moment of silence was followed by a military airplane flyover; in between, Block-I students chanted “USA, USA.” This was neither patriotism nor remembrance in any justifiable sense, but politicization, militarism, propaganda and bellicosity. The University is a public institution that encompasses the political views of all, not just the most (falsely) “patriotic.” Athletic planners should cease such exploitation for political purposes. They might at least consider how most Muslim students, American or otherwise, would respond to this nativist display; or better, Muslims and others that live their lives under the threat of our planes, drones and soldiers.

The overwhelmingly white, privileged, Block-I students should be ashamed of their obnoxious, fake-macho, chicken-hawk chant, while poverty-drafted members of their cohort fight and die in illegal and immoral wars for the control of oil. University administrators need to eliminate from all events such “patriotic” observances, which in this country cannot be separated from implicit justifications for state-sponsored killing.

Looking at the comments section finds very little support for this anti-American and not everyone at the Daily Illini are in love with this hater as an October 11 entry from 2005 shows.

But this isn’t the first time that Green went down the path of hate for the west. Green has penned many anti-American, anti-Jewish screeds over the last decade. In 2005, for instance, Green wrote a review of one of Holocaust denier Norman Finkelstein’s books that proved that Green is a supporter of Palestine Liberation Organization and is critical of the so-called Holocaust industry.

Like a well-worn hat, Green tries on the old claim that the American’s actions at abu Ghraib and “Israeli torture” are materially the same as the Nazi-generated Holocaust. In his review Green intimates that Israel perpetrates “criminal behavior” that is little different than Hitler’s.

In March Green wrote a screed on the supposed iron-fisted Israel Lobby where he also says that the U.S. is motivated solely by imperialism in its war on terror.

Green is also a member of the Champaign/Urbana chapter of Anti-War, Anti-Racism Effort and is known as a member of the Jewish Voice for Peace which absorbed Not In My Name, the latter formerly based in Chicago.

It is infuriating that this man makes his living feeding off the taxpayers of the state of Illinois. According to the website, Green’s 2009 salary was $36,388 of Illinois tax dollars. This is the sort of anti-American, anti-Semitic, anti-western “academic” that infests the American university system from north to south and east to west. These people are living off the taxpayers and spreading their hate every single day.

If you would like to contact Green and let him know how you feel, his office phone number is (217) 333-3231 and his email is


Kirly said...

damn holger! you da man! tell that wussy prof to just leave. love it!

btw, yes, lives lost in American on 911 are indeed more valuable than lives lost anyplace else ... to AMERICANS!

belicose - damn right.

oh, something else for you
AC DC thunderstuck.

Holger Awakens said...

Kirly's in the house and SHE'S FIRED UP!


:Holger Danske

Solaris said...

White propaganda my ass. Hurting Muslim feelings? Why? Because of a traditional military flyover and some kids chanting "USA"?
Okay. That makes sense, 'cause, y'know, America's the biggest anti-Muslim country on the planet. We're knocking down their mosques, burning their Korans, even executing open practitioners. Yep, that's what America's all about. Sure is... in crazyland.

And what of the Muslims who decide they want to cut people's heads off just 'cause they can? what of the Muslims who decide they want to bomb, torture, and kill civilians just 'cause they can? Any word from this guy about them? Didn't think so. Bastard makes me sick.

Oh, and calling troops poverty-drafted? Dude, how dumb can you get? I know it's a meme the Left likes to throw around, but it just doesn't hold water. Sure, most of the people in the military tend to come from lower income brackets. That's mostly due to the fact that more people are in those lower income brackets. We got wars going on, you don't catch too many people coming in for the college money anymore. No, in point of fact most everyone who enlists does so because they believe in something so strongly that they'll put their life on the line to defend it, a feeling that I am quite certain Prof. Green is quite unfamiliar with. It strikes me that most servicemembers, acting as they do out of selflessness and enlightened self-interest, actually behave more according to the Left's 'virtues' than the Leftists themselves. The Left can't wrap their heads around seeing something so alien as a real-world application of serving your fellow man, is all.

Sharku said...

It IS America, Love It or Leave It. It is just that damned simple.

Boquisucio said...

From Atlas Shrugs, which I am about to finish reading:

"He walked as if this were his form of last tribute and funeral procession for the young life that had ended in his arms. He felt an anger too intense to identify except as a pressure within him: it was a desire to kill.

The desire was not directed at the unknown thug who had sent a bullet through the boy's body, or at the looting bureaucrats who had hired the thug to do it, but at the boy's teachers who had delivered him, disarmed, to the thug's gun - at the soft, safe assassins of college classrooms who, incompetent to answer the queries of a quest for reason, took pleasure in crippling the young minds entrusted to their care..."

Teachers like that are poison to our young's minds

Boquisucio said...

Not that I wish physical harm upon that misguided Mr. Green.

Rides A Pale Horse said...

@ Boquisucio:

I would gladly take on that task FOR you sir.

Findalis said...

The solution to this is to shout even louder.