Leave it to an Egyptian islamic cleric to impart some real insight into what it is like to be a woman under the thumb of islam.
This rates up there with the Australian cleric who said a few years ago that a woman that gets raped was asking for it.
Well, according to these putzes ... every time that a woman is accosted or assaulted or raped or harassed, it just HAS to be her fault. There is no personal responsibiity for any male in islam - that's the message. And thousands of American women each year convert to islam. Can anyone explain that one to me?
Here's the story of this demented cleric from MEMRI.
This rates up there with the Australian cleric who said a few years ago that a woman that gets raped was asking for it.
Well, according to these putzes ... every time that a woman is accosted or assaulted or raped or harassed, it just HAS to be her fault. There is no personal responsibiity for any male in islam - that's the message. And thousands of American women each year convert to islam. Can anyone explain that one to me?
Here's the story of this demented cleric from MEMRI.
Egyptian Cleric Sa'd Arafat: If Women are Harassed Even when Wearing the Niqab or Hijab, It May be Because They Should Not be Outside the House at All
Sa'd Arafat: "Allah said in the Al-Nour chapter of the Koran: 'Punish both the adulterous woman and the adulterous man with 100 lashings.' He mentioned the adulterous woman first. [...]
"Allah mentioned the adulteress first because it is women who seduce to sin. Women tempt men and attract them. By Allah, if a woman covers and protects herself, nobody will attack her.
"Many girls complain that when they walk down the street, they are harassed by boys and men. If a woman sits on a bus, or any other means of transportation, she is harassed by the man on her right or the man on her left. I say to the women: You are the cause and reason for this.
"A woman may say: 'But I went out wearing the niqab or the hijab. I didn't do anything.' But I say: You might have gone out unnecessarily, and therefore, Allah set this wolfish devil upon you. Pay attention! I know exactly what I am talking about. You might have gone out wearing the niqab, yet Allah sent a devil to harm you, because your eyes wander right and left.
"Sometimes it is the woman who stares at the man, as if to say: 'I am here, can't you see me? Are you blind, or what?' she looks at him, he looks back, then she stares at him, and he blows her a kiss."
ah yes the lefty feminists best friends..pffttt!
by his logic: if mulsims are harrassed and killed for being mulsims, then maybe they shouldn't leave Mecca.
I'm ok with that.
He's a cleric and his logic is impeccable.
At least dogs gets a few minutes everyday to go outside and urinate. These slaves don't even get that.
Your question about women converting each year to Islam is an interesting one. If I wanted to joke about it, I would say she is drawn to the spirituality of Islam.
It's a good question and defies a common sense answer.
Could it be that these woman have been accosted, abused, assaulted or raped and already have feelings of worthlessness and no hope of another way of life? Islam fits into their abusive way of life and being treated like a dog is what they already know. It's just a thought...
Either way, it's a sad way of life for any woman.
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silence is NOT an option!
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