Sunday, September 19, 2010

British Muslim Arrested In Amsterdam On Second Leg of Flight To Africa, Terrorism Suspected

There isn't any word out why the British allowed a Somali-born British citizen to leave Britain's John Lennon airport but their counter-terrorism people contacted The Netherlands and the chump was arrested before his flight left Amsterdam for East Africa.

From the article at The Telegraph:

The man had already flown the first leg of his flight from Liverpool’s John Lennon Airport to Schiphol in Amsterdam and was on the plane ready to take off for the second leg.

His arrest by the Royal Marechaussee military police followed a tip-off from British counter-terrorism officials, sources said, but it was unclear why he was allowed to leave the country.

A spokesman said: "A British man of Somali origin has been arrested at Schiphol. At this moment, an inquiry is trying to determine whether or not the man belongs to a foreign terrorist organisation."
The suspect had travelled from John Lennon Airport in Liverpool en route to Entebbe in Uganda on KLM flight 561, which was delayed for two hours following the arrest on Sunday morning.

In America here, we've seen full well the connection between Somali emigrants in this country and the likes of al Shabaab in Somalia and it doesn't take a rocket scientist to see the connections between this guy and the same. Lord know Somalia is a big draw for people nowadays, right?

Anyway, it's good to see the Europeans on the watch right now.

British terrorism suspect arrested in Amsterdam

The man had already flown the first leg of his flight from Liverpool’s John Lennon Airport to Schiphol in Amsterdam and was on the plane ready to take off for the second leg.

His arrest by the Royal Marechaussee military police followed a tip-off from British counter-terrorism officials, sources said, but it was unclear why he was allowed to leave the country.

Britain has introduced a new “watch list” system in the wake of the failed attempt to blow up an airliner as it came into land at Detroit on Christmas Day, but there are two levels to the list, the second of which does not ban flying.

Somalia has become a focus of counter-terrorism operations by MI5 and Jonathan Evans, the director general of the agency, said last week that it was “only a matter of time before we see terrorism on our streets” inspired by Britons who have joined the Somali terrorist group al-Shabaab, which is aligned with al-Qaeda.

Mr Evans said there were “a significant number of UK residents training in al-Shabaab camps to fight in the insurgency there” and that the country showed “many of the characteristics that made Afghanistan so dangerous as a seedbed for terrorism in the period before the fall of the Taliban.”

He added: “We need to do whatever we can to stop people from this country becoming involved in terrorism and murder in Somalia.”

Dutch prosecutors said they were investigating the man for links to a terrorist organisation but had not found any explosives.

A spokesman said: "A British man of Somali origin has been arrested at Schiphol. At this moment, an inquiry is trying to determine whether or not the man belongs to a foreign terrorist organisation."

The suspect had travelled from John Lennon Airport in Liverpool en route to Entebbe in Uganda on KLM flight 561, which was delayed for two hours following the arrest on Sunday morning.

The man was being questioned last night and Dutch police said they hoped to be able to release more information on Monday. Scotland Yard said it was aware of the arrest but declined to comment further.

Up to 100 Britons from a variety of ethnic backgrounds are thought to have traveled to Somalia in recent years, where some of them have died fighting for al-Shabaab.

A number of terrorism suspects accused of trying to leave Britain to receive training have been put under control orders preventing them leaving the country but the system has recently been watered down after legal challenges.

Al-Shabaab caused shock in Uganda during the World Cup in July by setting off bombs in Kampala as fans watched the game on TV, killing 74 people.

Schiphol airport has dramatically stepped up security in response to the Christmas Day incident in which Umar Farouq Abdulmutallab, a former student at University College London, tried to blow himself up with a bomb hidden in his underpants as he flew from Amsterdam to Detroit.

Last month, two Yemeni men were arrested at the Amsterdam airport after flying in from Chicago, after taped up mobile phones were found in their luggage. They were held for several days then released without charge.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

How dare you presume he is guilty...what happened to innocent until proven guilty!!!! There was a group of muslim guys arrested last month for terror charges and then released two days later...they were not guilty. I hope he sues you when he is released...there is no such thing as true reporting from journalists any more they have all gone mad.