Monday, August 9, 2010

While America Opens Its Arms To a Ground Zero Mosque, Germany Shuts 'Em Down

German officials have shut down a mosque in Hamburg due to proof they have that the mosque has been used for terror plotting and as a meeting place for islamic extremists. Well, America, I have news for you - we have mosques all over this Land of ours that fit that same description and as we saw last week in the Ground Zero mosque decision, we certainly aren't at the point where Germany is. And it's too bad. Apparently America is going to insist on enduring the pain, the violence, the deaths and the intimidation that most of Europe has already gone through until we act - the Europeans are acting too late, it's like a feeble old man's pawing at the leg of a mugger who just assaulted him and will kill him.

From the story at Israel National News:

Germany has shut down a small Hamburg mosque once used by 9/11 terrorists and where a jihadist society prays and spreads an ideology that authorities say is “hostile to democracy.” Mohammed Atta, one of the suicide pilots in the 9/11 attacks, frequented the Taiba mosque, which investigators said has been a base for terrorists.

The closure comes a week after New York rejected an attempt to block building a giant mosque at Ground Zero.

Der Spiegel reported that many of the 250 Muslims who crowded into the Hamburg mosque’s prayer room every Friday include converts to Islam and men with radical beliefs. Its Taiba society members claim to represent a true Islam that is void of Western influences and which backs “resistance” against foreign forces, including German soldiers, in the war against terror in Afghanistan

Let me propose a scenario for you. The Ground Zero mosque is scheduled to open on September 11, 2011 (no, I did NOT make that up, it's's just another slap in our face). So, let's say it is open for six months and there are reports received by the NYPD that there are mysterious deliveries happening at the back of the mosque late at night and someone even produces a photograph of a suspicious individual entering the mosque on several occasions. The police and detectives truly consider that something is up at the Ground Zero mosque and turn over the evidence to Homeland Security.

Now, do you REALLY think anything will be done to investigate that mosque just six months after it opened? Do you think officials in New York City, like Mayor Michael "ISpitOn9/11" Bloomberg will risk being humiliated? Do you think Obama administration officials will dare risk a lawsuit from the ACLU or CAIR over a storming of that mosque?

I think you know my answer to the above questions.

Germany Shuts Down Mosque Once Used by 9/11 Terrorists

Germany has shut down a small Hamburg mosque once used by 9/11 terrorists and where a jihadist society prays and spreads an ideology that authorities say is “hostile to democracy.” Mohammed Atta, one of the suicide pilots in the 9/11 attacks, frequented the Taiba mosque, which investigators said has been a base for terrorists.

The closure comes a week after New York rejected an attempt to block building a giant mosque at Ground Zero.

Der Spiegel reported that many of the 250 Muslims who crowded into the Hamburg mosque’s prayer room every Friday include converts to Islam and men with radical beliefs. Its Taiba society members claim to represent a true Islam that is void of Western influences and which backs “resistance” against foreign forces, including German soldiers, in the war against terror in Afghanistan.

Ten Hamburg jihadists traveled to the Afghanistan border area last year to undergo training by terrorists. One of them was an Iranian who urged German Muslims to join an armed struggle, according to Der Spiegel.

The mosque was a "symbolic place for Jihadists," said deputy German intelligence official Manfred Murck. Approximately 45 jihadists live in Hamburg, according to German intelligence, and the Taiba society includes 20-30 members.

One of the most prominent preachers has been German-Syrian businessman Mamoun Darkazanli, is on the European Union’s list of terrorists and is prohibited from running a business or opening a bank account. He lives off of state stipends.

Darkazanli was questioned after the 9/11 attacks because he had been linked with the hijack terrorists, but he never was charged.

An Interior Ministry official that Bergmann described him as a “hate preacher. He is wanted by Spain on charges of being associated with Al-Qaeda and financing Osama Bin Laden, but German investigators concluded there was not enough evidence to warrant extradition.

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