Tuesday, August 10, 2010

So, What's the End Result of Obama's Restrictive ROE in Afghanistan? U.N. Says Afghan Civilian Deaths Up 31 Percent

I've showcased here over the past six to eight months how Barack Hussein Obama's revised rules of engagement for U.S. forces in Afghanistan have put our troops in harm's way, how they have emboldened the Taliban and how, overall, they have been a complete failure in the War in Afghanistan but of course, the Obama administration would be the first to point out how they are so needed to instill more support from the Afghan civilian population...because so many Afghan civilian lives have thus been spared, right? But wait. What does the United Nations say about the trend in deaths of Afghan civilians in the first six months of this year?

Well, let's take a look at what the article at Breitbart has to say:

Afghan civilian casualties rose by 31 percent in the first six months of 2010, with 1,271 people killed, the United Nations said Tuesday.
"Afghan civilian casualties have increased by 31 percent compared to the same period last year," said Staffan de Mistura, the UN's special envoy in Afghanistan.

What??!! Are you trying to tell me that a plan hatched by Teh One hasn't worked out??!!! Are you trying to tell me that the smartest damn President in the history of the United States of America didn't get something right?

Well, I don't recall Obama ever consulting even little old peons like me last year when he decided to take the weapons out of the hands of our troops and coddle the Taliban but I would have told him at that time that the vast majority of dead Afghan civilians are the result OF THE TALIBAN. But no, good old Barack, the one that accused our troops of "bombing civilian villages" back during his campaign, had to go ahead and sacrifice the lives of our troops in order for him to come across as a kinder and gentler war leader to the Afghan people and the result is he got more of them killed.

Now, we have heard reports that Gen. David Petraeus is trying to reverse these insane ROE over in Afghanistan and our troops deserve that but now it is obvious that the people of Afghanistan will reap the benefit as well.

Perhaps with this kind of news from the U.N., Obama will finally give it up and allow our fixed wing aircraft to get off the ground and resume the kind of air assault that is needed to start really eliminating the Taliban from Afghanistan and at the same time, our troops will get the much needed green light to go on the offensive on the ground without sticking a damn daisy in the end of their weapon.

Afghan civilian casualties up 31 percent: UN

Afghan civilian casualties rose by 31 percent in the first six months of 2010, with 1,271 people killed, the United Nations said Tuesday.
"Afghan civilian casualties have increased by 31 percent compared to the same period last year," said Staffan de Mistura, the UN's special envoy in Afghanistan.

"Thirty-one percent means what in civilian lives? It means... 1,271 civilians died, 1,991 were injured, most of them severely," he told a press conference in Kabul.

He said anti-government forces were responsible for three quarters of civilian casualties, up from just over half last year.

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