Monday, August 9, 2010

Indonesian Anti-Terror Forces Arrest Former Head of Jemaah Islamiyah

The Indonesians have been cracking down on the islamic terrorists in their country pretty hard recently....I claim it is because Barack Hussein Obama cancelled his trip there twice due to the lack of security in the country (I think the White House line at the time was that Obama had to stay home for important domestic issues) but today, the leader of the terror group Jemaah Islamiyah was apprehended due to his link to a new terror group that had formed. Abu Bakar Bashir spent a few years in prison for his links to the Bali bombings but got out in 2006 - and of course, like any other good islamic terrorist leader, he got out of prison and immediately set about starting a new terror group and beginning plans to attack the sitting government.

You know, there's some people you are just better off lining up in front of a firing squad.

Here's the story from DAWN.

Radical Indonesian cleric arrested for terrorism

JAKARTA: Radical Indonesian cleric Abu Bakar Bashir, once imprisoned for his links to the terror group behind the Bali bombings, was arrested Monday for alleged involvement with a new militant network.

His lawyer, Muhammad Ali, said the arrest took place on Monday morning in West Java’s Ciamis district.

Bashir is best known as the founder and spiritual leader of Jemaah Islamiyah, the Al-Qaeda-linked terrorist group responsible for the 2002 bombings on Indonesia's resort
island of Bali that killed 202 people, many of them foreign tourists.

He spent several years in prison for his involvement with the group, but was released in 2006
He was arrested Monday for alleged involvement with a new terror cell in Indonesia’s westernmost province of Aceh, the lawyer said.

Authorities discovered the new group in February and said it was allegedly planning to assassinate the president and carry out Mumbai-style attacks targeting foreigners.

Dozens of suspects linked to that cell, which called itself Al-Qaeda in Aceh, have been arrested or killed in recent months. Rumors have circulated for weeks that Bashir, a fiery preacher known for propagating hatred against foreigners, was next on the list.

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