I can safely say that the only time in my life that I have been more enraged than I am at this moment was the day after 9/11/01. The mosque in New York City, to be built next to Ground Zero, has been approved and now it WILL happen. And people will get up today and go to work and do their thing...like not a fucking thing even happened. The radical islamists just attacked our Country for a second time, but this time, there were no NBC or ABC or CBS cameras there, there were no photos of anguish on the faces of Americans, and no, there were no Presidents standing in the middle of people with a bullhorn.
I'd like to remind everyone of something. The 9/11 attacks occurred on a Tuesday. Those same airline flights that were used as the weapons of death were operating at the same times two days earlier on Sunday. How many innocent people would have been in the Twin Towers on a Sunday? If the islamists had wanted to simply destroy symbols of America, of capitalism, they could have attacked on Sunday. But no. They attacked on a Tuesday - not because of the significance of the date but because on a Tuesday, there would be the maximum number of infidels in those buildings. The carnage would be maximized. And so yesterday, we discovered that once again, the islamists wished to maximize the carnage of our spirit. What place on American soil could be viewed as the most violated by construction of this mosque? Well, we all know the answer to that and at least some of us know the reason why.
I appreciate my readers giving me this chance to rant. This is probably meant to be more therapeutic than it will be entertaining or informative to you, so I appreciate the chance.
I have spent the better part of the past three years covering the demonic ideology of Islam. Each and every day I subject myself to the violence of it, the atrocity of it, the bloodshed of it, the perversion of it, and the insanity of it. It wears on a person. It wears on me. Rarely do I take a day off from the death and destruction this Earth endures because of this so-called "religion." To say it doesn't affect my life, my health and my emotional state would be a denial and I'm sure many of you can understand. But I have put myself through this degradation because of one thing - it was my way of vowing to the victims of 9/11/01 that their memory and their sacrifice would NEVER, EVER fade away. You know, I lost no family on 9/11. I lost no friends, I lost no business associates. I did not know one person that was killed that fateful day. But in my heart, in my mind, and in my soul...that day, on September 11th, 2001, I truly felt as though I had lost everyone in my life that I had ever loved.
Today I sit here and simply, I cannot stop shaking my head at America. The most deadly attack on American soil in the history of this Country was less than 10 years ago and for many Americans, they have forgotten - for some it feels like 25 years ago, for some it really didn't happen. That fateful day we saw the face of evil descend upon this Land and believe me, it was only the opening shot. Since that day, the battle has been waged for ownership of this Country - a battle between the freedom lovers of the United States of America and those of the horde of islam who wish to dominate this country, add it to the World Caliphate, and instill upon the American people the oppression of Sharia Law.
And I hear nothing but damn crickets out there, people. Well, I for one, will not sit idly by while the biggest islamic salvo since 9/11/01 has been shot across the bow of Lady Liberty. There was a line in the sand here in America and the islamists just crossed it with the Ground Zero mosque.
I make a pledge today. This mosque will not be built.
There are many ways to skin a cat, as the saying goes and believe me, there are a thousand ways to fight this islamic attack on America just a matter of feet from the ground where innocent Americans jumped to their deaths.
Now, I have sat here tirelessly typing at this computer over the years pointing out the destructive nature of islam. I have sounded the warning of what has happened when the islamists invaded the nations of France, Britain, Sweden, Belgium, the Netherlands and so many more. I have posted story after story of honor killings, beheadings, suicide bombings and stonings. I have relayed the daily horror that the people of Israel face from the minions of Satanic islamists. It has been relentless on my part and on the parts of many bloggers and advocates. But yet, just last night, I was subjected to apathy from even some of the most staunch counter-jihadists that I know. Sadly, they seemed beaten and weary.
Well, folks, I'm here to tell you that I am not beaten, I am not weary and believe me, I am not finished with this mosque. I have every intention of legally fighting the construction of this mosque in New York City - I have every intention of supporting all efforts to stop it and yes, I have no problem with making this a real fight. The imam behind this construction of this house of Satan on what I consider Holy Ground will regret this decision and the islamists in America who simply consider this another "stage" of their Soft Jihad on America, will regret it too.
We stand at the very top of the highest mountain. We have a choice. We can crumble under the inevitable submission to islam that lies before us and tumble down the mountain side to our eventual deaths OR we can gird our loins, call upon the American Spirit that tells us that NO ONE MESSES WITH UNCLE SAM and storm headlong down the other side of that mountain with swords drawn and fire in our eyes.
I will not live in Londonstan. I will not see a burqa on Lady Liberty. And I will never, ever cower on a prayer rug and face east. And if you don't think that's coming, America, you haven't been paying attention to this blog or dozens of other ones over the past 9 years. This isn't a call to "wake up" - this is a call to act.
If there's one thing I've learned over the years, there is only one defense to islam and it's unworldly spread and that is to stand up to it, feet braced, nose to nose and never back up one foot, one inch. Yesterday, America flinched...we backed up two yards...we opened the door wide for the enemy to take over our Land, our freedom, our loved ones and our very souls.
Today the fight finally begins....an eye for an eye....
Wow Holger. You are very angry. I hope you aren't advocating violence in your fight.
This mosque is just plain disrespectful. New York City is huge and has a great subway system, why couldn't they build this thing in upper Manhattan or Queens or the Bronx? Building this just blocks from Ground Zero seems like a classic in your face move designed to create chaos.
I'm really torn. I love the First Amendment of the Constitution more than I hate this mosque. I guess the big questions that I'd like to see our government ask are.
1. Is Islam at war with the USA?
2. Is the goal of Islam to destroy the USA?
If the answer to these two questions is yes, then should all mosques be considered treasonous?
Thank you....Rant? No just the plain unvarnished truth.
"If someonewishes to kill you, get up early and kill him first".
Babylonian Talmud: Berakoth 58
This is a struggle (war) for our very existence.....
God Save the United States.......
At the edge: It's one thing for you or Holger or any other blogger to say it. But it's entirely different for our government to make it official.
If their ultimate goal is to destroy the USA, then let's stop calling it a Religion of Peace and declare war.
I'll get on the same boat with 'at the edge'. What's more appalling than a lib, or one of satan's little lemmings (the muslims) is a pansy moderate like you Lysol. The difference is usually one who knows better, but doesn't have the balls or brains to make the correct choice and stand with those on the side of good vs that of evil. Grow a brainstem and a sack you puss!
I for one do not call Islam The Religion of Peace. I call it a dangerous cult.
One thing about this, it will make a good target for a rocket. Especially after they start storing their explosives in the basement.
A few points in response:
1. I'm glad my anger came through so clearly.
2. The action taken to stop this mosque was a valid NYC zoning stance in which the City did not follow normal procedures for protecting what should have been declared a landmark site - at no time, did the government, at any level state that this mosque was not allowed to be built because it was muslim.
3. Speaking of that First Amendment...I ask you, would the following be allowed to be built?:
- a Nazi Memorial Center next door to the Holocaust Museum?
- a Ku Klux Klan Recruiting Center across the street from the burial place of Martin Luther King, Jr.?
- a Center for Pedophilia Art across the street from an elementary school?
4. And as far as war with Islam...George W. Bush declared a "War on Terror" and since 99.9% of terror is committed by radical islam, then yes, I consider us to have declared war on radical islam.
:Holger Danske
Holger, notice I never said "radical Islam" I said just Islam as a whole. Of course I know there is a war on radical Islam. Come on man, thought you knew me better. I was trying to dig a little deeper and get a conversation started on the entire cult. So much for that attempt.
I wasn't defending this building at all! As I said up top, this was clearly an "in your face" move. And New York City has PLENTY of other neighborhoods where this thing could be built.
Should NYC be doing everything in their power to dissuade this thing from being built at it's current location? YES! It's repulsive, insulting, disrespectful, insensitive, the works. Is the NYC zoning dept. making a giant mistake? YES! Would I change the US Constitution to include an "insensitivity" clause? I'm not sure.
Holger, rant away!!! I totally
agree with Henry Bowman..."just the
plain unvarnished truth" - spot on!!!
As an outraged American citizen, I
like many others, have run the gambit protesting this "insanity" by signing petitions, writing letters, emails and faxes to whom ever I could think of until I'm blue in the face, now what???
What is "PLAN B"??? We HAVE to stop this!!!
GOD Bless America & Our Troops...
silence is NOT an option!
A mosque 2 blocks from ground zero does not mean Sharia Law is coming any time soon. Booze, pork, and scantly clad women will never disappear from the streets of Manhattan or anywhere else in this country.
The church up the street from me has been preaching the evils of alcohol and Rock and Roll music for years - and they have yet to root either out of this county despite their best efforts, because this is America and we love both. My point is that it doesn't matter what the imam at this mosque preaches cause it won't jive with what most New Yorkers want. Our Constitution protects us from Sharia Law just as it allows for the construction of any kind of house of worship.
There are people in New York City from every corner of the globe and from every faith. Muslims working at the World Trade Center also died on 9/11.
You know what else is with in a couple of blocks of Ground Zero - most of lower Manhattan, which is to say ALL KINDS OF SHIT.
Another NYC mosque is not the beginning of the end.
Donald Fagan: Your belief in America's perpetual culture needs an overhaul. I daresay you will be shocked into the reality of its ephemeral likelihood, once you see this video:
As for the quibble between radical and moderate islam, this video shows you that this difference - makes no difference at all. It's inconsequential, insignificant. Islam is Islam, any way you cut it, because in the end, it won't matter - as far as your concerns are concerned. See the video to get the point real clearly.
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