I noticed something the days after the news of America's last combat troops leaving Iraq was announced....I noticed, the sound of crickets coming from the Hard Left peace activists. For years and years we have had to put up with the rantings, violent demonstrations and public displays of the likes of CODE PINK calling for the end of the Iraq War and withdrawal of U.S. troops from Iraq. So, last week, the last combat troops from the U.S. Army crossed out of Iraq into Kuwait yet nary a word of celebration was heard in America from CODE PINK or the other anti-war activists - there have been NO parades celebrating, there have been no rallies to commemorate the withdrawal.
Just as a reminder of what happened last week, from the Washington Times:
A line of heavily armored American military vehicles, their headlights twinkling in the pre-dawn desert, lumbered past the barbed wire and metal gates marking the border between Iraq and Kuwait early Thursday and rolled into history.
For the troops of the 4th Stryker Brigade, 2nd Infantry Division, it was a moment of relief fraught with symbolism but lightened by the whoops and cheers of soldiers one step closer to going home.
Seven years and five months after the U.S.-led invasion, the last American combat brigade was leaving Iraq, well ahead of President Obama's Aug. 31 deadline for ending U.S. combat operations there.
Don't you find it surprising that anti-war celebrations weren't going on immediately in cities like Los Angeles, San Francisco, Philadelphia and New York City? This was the War that the peace activists used to bury George W. Bush - this was, in their minds, the atrocity of the 21st century yet as that last combat troop left Iraqi soil, the likes of CODE PINK didn't celebrate but instead continued their war of words. From a report directly at CODE PINK:
"With the withdrawal of U.S. combat troops from Iraq, the administration, the military and the media are trying to put a positive spin on this grim chapter of U.S. history. It would certainly give some comfort to the grieving families of the over 4,400 soldiers killed in Iraq if their sacrifices had left Iraq a better place or made America safer," Medea Benjamin, cofounder of CODEPINK and Global Exchange, states. "But the bitter truth is that the U.S. intervention has been an utter disaster for both Iraq and the United States.
I don't get it - why is CODEPINK taking this opportunity to bash when they have finally gotten what they wanted? They wanted U.S. troops out of Iraq yet they seem as angry as ever.
Oh wait, you don't suppose that the likes of CODEPINK didn't really care that much about the U.S. troops in Iraq, do you? Do you suppose that the assault on George W. Bush's Iraq War wasn't REALLY about the war and the loss of troops?
The fact of the matter is this - the likes of many Americans along with the mass media were duped by organizations like CODEPINK - these organizations are deemed as "anti-war activists" but what they really are is a collection of anti-social, anti-American hate-filled misfits. I think we all know people like the members of CODEPINK - they slouch through life hating everything about the world, primarily because they can't stand living in their own skin. One of the co-founders of CODEPINK, Madea Benjamin, would probably tied up a whole team of psychologists for a year trying to figure out what fucked up her life.
This is why you won't see a celebration of the end of the Iraq War by these people - they do not seek a means to an end. They see no end. They consider their fight against America and the fight against democracy as never ending. Once the Iraq War is over and then let's say the Afghanistan War ends, they will still be on the street protesting the next injustice of America - it might be our treatment of the Iranians, it might be our oppression of the North Koreans or they might just focus on America's attack on the climate. Like the Taliban are born to kill, these misfits among us in America are born to protest.
Hopefully, a number of Americans will wake up and realize that these sleaze bags pulled one over on them - they'll realize that NOT ONE CODEPINK member ever gave a rat's ass about a single American soldier or Marine - it was all about their own discomfort in living in America. The likes of CODEPINK hate America and recently we have seen this group really go after Barack Hussein Obama....why? Because, even though he hates America, according to them, he doesn't hate it enough.
So, if you are expecting to see a huge rally in the next few weeks where the likes of CODEPINK and ANSWR get together to uncork the champagne and throw confetti over our withdrawal from Iraq, you will be disappointed. Rather, you'll see this collection of inbred haters marching through the streets with the same old signs, just freshly painted with new hate for this country.
It's high time that the people of America call these misfits out, that we ridicule them, that we laugh at them and given your own degree of sympathy, feel sorry for them.
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