Sunday, July 4, 2010

Where Are We and Where Are We Going ?

In the last couple of years I have been wondering where we are and where are we going. We have seen some tough times and some glorious times. In my 59 years of life we have had financial recessions but we have always managed some way to get through them without massive government intrusions and interventions. But now our government controls vast portions of our banking, automotive industries and now the health care industry, what's left for them to grab ? In less than 2 years time our (funny, I don't think I can say "Our" government anymore.) The Government has assumed so much control and strives for more.

Now the government wants to control the internet, the single most important tool ever devised to foster the idea of freedom and liberty will fall under government control. A man that can not communicate freely will never be free. Yes, with this fantastic tool of freedom comes the trash of pornography and it can also be used by the enemies of freedom to communicate with each other, a small price to pay to allow one free man communicate his thoughts and ideas to another. This more than anything frightens me, as all tyrants first had to control the flow of information before they could take control.

Now they say that this country is in danger of cyber warfare, and I whole hardily agree with this, however to simply shut the internet down does no more to "protect" us than a dastardly attack. Critical computer systems should not even be allowed to connect to the internet if they are that vulnerable. And if they must communicate with other systems then how will shutting down the internet "save" them. This is nothing more than a means to stop you and me from sharing ideas and information.

The government can shut down a few thousand tv and radio stations, close several thousand newspapers, but right now it can not shutdown potentially millions of work stations that can disseminate information, until they pass this new law......


Anonymous said...

Greetings from another 59er. I can't help but think of Iran and China when reading your post. I also read something about journalists having to be licensed by the government--can't remember where I read that gem. I am a Canadian living in the middle-east, and I have observed that with the election of the pro-muslim president the enemies of freedom (of any kind) have suddenly gained new strength. America has always been the symbol of "Freedom" but now it is fast becoming a clear and present danger. I feel that America is the only country in the world that could send us back into the dark ages. In all my years I have never witnessed the likes of this, nor have I ever felt fear like this. I see on a daily basis what the PC correct "reaching out to islam" has done--and it is not pretty.

sofa said...

Where Are We Going, and what are we doing in this handbasket?

Henry Bowman said...


I was a 59'er until 9 days ago. But look on the bright side 60 is now the new 30. At least that's what I've been saying.

God Bless the American Military...

God Protect the United States.....

Independence Forever.....John Adams last public words...

Holger Awakens said...


Your fear is shared and I want to assure you that there are plenty of us in America who simply won't let it happen to her.


Hey! Don't put more years on me dude! This is a great post by Sharku (he's the really old guy)...I got awhile before I hit the "59'er" so don't hurry me along, okay? hahaha

:Holger Danske

Henry Bowman said...


You are ageless.


in the vanguard said...

There must be too many below the surface, out of sight but in full control, who are in collusion with the treasonous plot to overthrow this society. Obama is but a pawn, a teleprompter reader for them. He's a nobody. There must be higher-ups in the army, police, government, and where not, that know about this and belong to the conspiracy. Otherwise, why would all this illegality be allowed to happen, day after day, hour after hour, tearing the infrastructure apart. Why is nobody clamoring for impeachment? Why is nobody clamoring for impeachment!!?!!

Lysol said...

Despots from around the world despise the internet... Iran, Pakistan, China, etc. The reason: These guys know that freedom and free information are the most dangerous threat to their pathetic rule.

If Obama or anyone else tries to censor or kill switch the internet here in the USA, I'll be going down to a local firearms dealer to exercise my Second Amendment rights. And I'm not a gun person.