Thursday, July 15, 2010

Video: Democrat Candidate for Minnesota Governor Will Solve Budget Deficit by Hosing the Rich on Taxes and Giving the Money to Teachers' Unions


sofa said...


in the vanguard said...

It is simply amazing that in the greatest nation in the world, in the land of the free, there is not one Democrat who can stand up in the senate or in congress and yell from the top of his lungs that he abhors the tactics taken by most members of his party, that they are totally unAmerican, totally against freedom, entirely in sync with a foreign element's desire to dismember our mother country. Not bloody one. Lieberman is about as far as it goes, and he's all alone it seems. Is this a nightmare, or what?

Holger Awakens said...

at the edge,

It's a nightmare.

:Holger Danske