Friday, July 16, 2010

A Message To My Conservative Brothers and Sisters

To my brothers and sisters in America, the conservatives and patriots of this Country, I urge you all to hold your head high in these times of trial. We all know the dangerous and troubling and fearful times we live in, I've heard you and seen you and read you cry out in anger and anxiety and in anguish ...I want to assure you of one thing, you are never alone. Never.

We live in a moment where many of us in a movement have been lied about, have been called racists, have been called terrorists. Well, we know the truth. And each night we can go to bed and we can rest our heads in peace because we all know that we are on the side of good, we are on the side of G_d, we are on the side of this Country.

I urge you all, I implore you all to not give up this fight we are in. My hope is that your Faith remains strong, you realize you are never alone and besides your brothers and sisters who are standing so strong by your side you always, ALWAYS have the Father to place you on His shoulders and carry you through these agonizing times.

The Christians of yore found themselves in the den of the lions in Rome, the Jews found themselves in a line filing into Auschwitz and today, Americans find their very freedoms, their liberty and their Constitution under all out attack...and all of these groups survived and will survive. We will make it through this. We will not only survive, we will be victorious.


Rides A Pale Horse said...


Every once in awhile we need to be reminded that we are a nation under God and that he WILL guide us through times of trial and tribulation.

Holger Awakens said...

Thanks RAPH. :)

:Holger Danske