Sunday, July 11, 2010

Cartoon of the Day: NASA - "Muslims in Space"

(Cartoon courtesy of: Bones)

1 comment:

in the vanguard said...

This is funny. What's not funny is we're seeing - with our very own eyes - the transfer of power from the people to an evil but ever so powerful oligarchy. They've laid the foundations well for their power grab, so much so that citizens are watching it happen and are made to believe it can be undone. People are being dumbing down with talk that only deals with the superficial tip of the otherwise hidden, evil, gigantic iceberg.

Look at the absence of outcry over taking so great an American icon as NASA and pouring islamic puke into its guts.

LOOKIT - If a moron can become chief executive without having to show his documents - something miserbaly stinks. Let's just start impeachment for this little one item, and find out why he spent over a million dollars to padlock his documents, and who are paying for this, and who's helping him out... maybe things could shake us out of our drugged down stupor. Why are this court cases seeking to have him verify his constitutional obligations being dropped? What the hell is going on? We have WITNESSES like Mr Adams was it, who say "he wasn't born in Hawaii."

Something is rotten here in America. We now have the likes of an OJ Simpson stonewall of everything we need to know of this usurper in office. We have a Tyson-like technicalities thwarting our efforts to clear the minefields.

H E L P !!