We've all heard the claims from Arizona Senator Jon Kyl about a shocking statement made to him by Barack Hussein Obama where Obama basically admits that he won't secure the border with Mexico because it will fuck up his plans for a sweeping amnesty program for illegal aliens.
Just to refresh your memory, this is what Sen. Kyl said at a town hall meeting, via the article at Family Security Matters:
Now, let's look at the history of one Barack Hussein Obama and consider his track record of lying to the American people. In fact, let's consider a partial documented LIST OF HIS LIES, from FrontPage Magazine:
The list goes on and on and on and one that I didn't find at the FrontPage article was one from the Presidential campaign when Obama went back on his signed commitment to accept publc financing - Obama found out how much he could raise privately so he opted out of his public financing pledge - his pledge, was therefore a lie.
If you go to Google and search under "List of Obama lies" there are over 1 million results, when you search under "List of Jon Kyl lies" there are 16,000 results.
I ask all of you, does it not make sense what Kyl claims Obama said? Has Barack Hussein Obama shown one iota of an inclination to do anything to secure the borders? How many times has Barack Hussein Obama used the term, "comprehensive immigration reform?"
President Bill Clinton got caught in a lie and was impeached for it. Barack Hussein Obama lies to America and continues to get a mid-40's percentage approval rating. I sense that that President Obama is being held to a different standard, don't you?
Just to refresh your memory, this is what Sen. Kyl said at a town hall meeting, via the article at Family Security Matters:
“Here's what the President said: “If we secure the border, then you all won't have any reason to support comprehensive immigration reform,” in other words they're holding it hostage. They don't want to secure the border unless and until it's combined with comprehensive immigration reform."Now, I have to admit that I haven't followed the career of Senator Kyl very closely but everyone thing I read says that for him to lie would be completely out of his character. And I'd also like to point out that if Jon Kyl HAD lied in the past and was caught in it, being a Republican Senator, he would have been assaulted for weeks by the MSM - I have seen no case of this. Finally, let's consider this - Senator Kyl is NOT up for reelection this year...so there is no reason for him to gain some sort of edge with constituents with some outlandish "tale."
Now, let's look at the history of one Barack Hussein Obama and consider his track record of lying to the American people. In fact, let's consider a partial documented LIST OF HIS LIES, from FrontPage Magazine:
* Candidate Obama promised that he would make sure that there was always enough time for the public to read legislation before it was enacted; but he has done exactly the opposite, repeatedly pressing for even faster passage of even longer bills.
* Obama claimed that Caterpillar’s CEO had told him that Caterpillar would begin hiring again as a result of the stimulus bill; but that individual immediately announced that he had said no such thing, and that Caterpillar would in fact be laying off more workers.
* Candidate Obama promised that Guantanamo would be closed by January 1, 2010; but it is still open.
* To gain traction for his attempt to return a would-be socialist dictator in Honduras to power, Obama claimed that he had been overthrown in an illegal coup; but the congressional research service pointed out correctly that ex-President Zelaya had been removed for constitutionally sufficient cause by legal and constitutional means.
The list goes on and on and on and one that I didn't find at the FrontPage article was one from the Presidential campaign when Obama went back on his signed commitment to accept publc financing - Obama found out how much he could raise privately so he opted out of his public financing pledge - his pledge, was therefore a lie.
If you go to Google and search under "List of Obama lies" there are over 1 million results, when you search under "List of Jon Kyl lies" there are 16,000 results.
I ask all of you, does it not make sense what Kyl claims Obama said? Has Barack Hussein Obama shown one iota of an inclination to do anything to secure the borders? How many times has Barack Hussein Obama used the term, "comprehensive immigration reform?"
President Bill Clinton got caught in a lie and was impeached for it. Barack Hussein Obama lies to America and continues to get a mid-40's percentage approval rating. I sense that that President Obama is being held to a different standard, don't you?
Editorial: Kyl v. Obama: When Chiefs Collide
Arizona State Senator Jon Kyl made an astounding allegation on Friday June 18, while addressing a town hall meeting in Tempe. He told his audience:
“Here's what the President said: “If we secure the border, then you all won't have any reason to support comprehensive immigration reform,” in other words they're holding it hostage. They don't want to secure the border unless and until it's combined with comprehensive immigration reform."
White House deputy press secretary Bill Burton has denied that these words were spoken by the president, claiming that they were untrue. Burton refused to state that Senator Jon Kyl was lying.
The senator has a reputation as a straight-talker, and the president has a reputation as someone who is careful in his language. It has been argued that there was a misunderstanding, which is possible. However, there is enough weight being brought upon Arizona in relation to its controversial immigration bill to raise temperatures. With opposition to the Bill coming from the administration, and Arizona officials expressing exasperation at what they perceive to be federal inaction on illegal immigration, misunderstandings become more likely.
The Arizona Immigration Bill – Senate Bill 1070 – was drafted by State Sen. Russell Pearce. The controversy involved its stipulation that law enforcement officers were entitled to check the residence status of those whom they suspected of being illegal immigrants. There were fears that such measures could lead to racial profiling. At a naturalization ceremony in the Rose Garden, the president had said that the law threatened “to undermine basic notions of fairness that we cherish as Americans, as well as the trust between police and our communities that is so crucial to keeping us safe.”
On Friday April 23rd, Arizona Governor Jan Brewer had signed the bill, which will come into force on July 29. On the morning that the bill was signed, the president had called it “misguided” and “irresponsible” and had urged figurers in his administration to “closely monitor the situation and examine the civil rights and other implications of this legislation.”
At the same time, Eric Holder, the 82nd Attorney General, was criticizing the law as “unfortunate” and “open to abuse” by officials, before he had read its contents. He later said: “I've just expressed concerns on the basis of what I've heard about the law.”
The law in Arizona did not emerge from a vacuum. When she signed SB 1070, Governor Brewer claimed (pdf) that it would be a tool to “solve a crisis that we did not create, and which the federal government has refused to address…. The crisis caused by Arizona’s porous border.” She continued:
“There is no higher priority than protecting the citizens of Arizona. We cannot sacrifice our safety to the murderous greed of drug cartels. We cannot stand idly by as drop houses, kidnappings and violence compromise our quality of life.”
On at least two occasions in her speech she mentioned that she refuses to tolerate any racial discrimination or racial profiling.
Long before his private conversation in the Oval Office, Senator Jon Kyl made a speech about why the State Legislature had passed SB 1070. He stated:
“The federal government has been ignoring a problem for too long, and that problem is an insecure border, and that’s obviously what led to this legislation….”
He spoke of how the problems with kidnappings, drug importation and human trafficking were concentrated in certain parts of the state. He mentioned that border patrol officers’ numbers had been successively doubled four times since 2000:
“In 1996 it was estimated that 40 per cent of all the homicides in the Phoenix area were the result of conflicts among Mexican narco-organizations. Now, of course, the problem is really severe south of the border. It’s been estimated that in the last three years there’s been over 20,000, some say there’s been as many as 23,000 deaths directly attributable to these conflicts.”
There seem to be few who would deny that a severe problem with border security exists, not only in Arizona, but in other states. Disputes focus around how to deal with the problem.
Arizona’s lawmakers have chosen to create legislation that deals head-on with the “illegality” of illegal immigration, whereas the administration seems to be proposing immigration law reform that may or may not involve a form of amnesty, similar to that extended under the Dream Act to some who arrived as minors.
The situation has been desperate for some time, and for Arizona and other states, it seems that federal immigration law reform will take too long to come into effect. The problems of illegal immigration are not just about human trafficking and drug gangs. The migrants coming over the southern border are not just impoverished Mexicans looking to better themselves. As Chet Nagle wrote here yesterday, some of those who have come across the border have been terrorists.
A report by abc15 states that in April in a Pinal county jail in Arizona, of 400 detainees who had tried to cross the Mexican border into the USA, only half were Mexican. The others hailed from countries including Iran, Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Egypt, Lebanon, and the Sudan.
As Mexico has no procedures for deportations of non-domiciled foreigners from its own borders, when non-Mexicans are sent back, these individuals are let go and can attempt again to cross the border back to the USA.
Mike Cutler has worked in the US Immigration and Naturalization Service, in positions including Immigration Inspector and Criminal Investigator. He has stressed on our pages time after time the importance of ensuring that illegal migration be stopped. Legal migration has been a principle of American growth and diversity, enshrined in Emma Lazarus’ famous poem “The New Colossus” engraved beneath the Statue of Liberty.
Mike wrote yesterday that the electronic SBInet or “Virtual Fence” has been abandoned along much of the stretch of border that it was designed to police. On November 2nd 2005, the Department of Homeland Security under then Homeland Security Secretary Michael Chertoff announced that it would be implementing its “Secure Border Initiative”. This promised more border patrol of officers, more ICE officials, more bed spaces at detention facilities, and electronic surveillance. The DHS press release announced at the time:
“Under SBI, our goal is to have operational control of both the northern and southern borders within five years.”
That goal has not come close to being implemented. The SBInet electronic surveillance operation, which was to be managed by Boeing, began in 2006. This was intended to use state-of-the-art surveillance techniques to monitor the southern border, but is now virtually abandoned.
Whatever motivated the disagreement between the president and Senator Jon Kyl, the problems will remain. There is little security on the southern border. It seems that the administration seems cautious to get a firm grip on the problems by enforcing existing laws. Mexico is also at fault. It has a weak government, a lawless gang class, and an appalling economy that drives people to seek work elsewhere.
It is shocking to hear accusations of “untruths” traded between a senator and the associates of the president. The nature of the allegation is so serious that the whole affair starts to look surreal. Something needs to be done about the porous border, and it needs to be done soon - for everyone’s sake.
The Tea Bag Party are just “haters not debaters” or as others have dubbed them “screamers not dreamers”, with their failed attempts at stopping Healthcare reform, they say they respect the Constitution, the Bill of Rights and the Declaration of Independence but they do not mind passing laws, through weak Governors (no one voted for this crazy) who only cares about getting elected Governor, on the backs of undocumented workers, that will not pass Constitution muster.
Brewer signed into law;
1. S.B. 1070,
2. No permit conceal weapons law,
3. The famous Birthers law,
4. Banning Ethnic studies law,
5. Could she be behind the Mural in Prescott, Arizona, ordered to be whiten,
6. On deck to pass, no citizenship to babies born to undocumented workers,
7. If she can read she should look up Arizona’s House Bill 2779 from two years ago (which was un-constitution and failed when legally challenged),
8. The boycotted Martin Luther King Day, what idiots don’t want another holiday? Yes, you guessed it Arizona.
Well Arizona, you can boycott new holidays and keep passing crazy laws and the rest of us will continue to challenged them in a court of law and continue to add cities to our Boycott of your state.
I real cannot believe anything that comes out of Brewer’s mouth, in an interview she first said her father had died in Germany fighting the Nazi in World War II (war ended 1945) but of course we find out the truth that father was never in Germany and died in California in 1955. But we are suppose to believe everything else she says, right! No one voted for you for Governor, yet you keep listening to the tiny brains of the crazies and signing into law everything that comes into their feeble minds, it only make you look dumb, stupid or racist, or maybe all three.
As for the Tea Bag Party, their phony patriotism is sickening; they are just racists going by another name. We all know you are just itching to put a sheet on their head? Let’s face it the Republicans had eight years to deal with health care, immigration, energy (remember Cheney’s secret meetings with oil companies where loosening regulation and oversight were sealed), climate change and financial oversight and governance and they failed. It appears that the Republican Party is only good at starting wars (two in eight years, with fat contracts to friends of Cheney/Bush) but not at winning wars as seen by the continuing line of body bags that keep coming home. The Republicans party will continue turned inward to their old fashion obstructionist party (and their Confederacy appreciation roots) because they continue to allow a small portions (but very loud portion) of their party of “birthers, baggers and blowhards” to rule their party. I will admit that this fringe is very good at playing “Follow the Leader” by listening to their dullard leaders, Beck, Hedgecock, Hannity, O’Reilly, Rush, Savage, Sarah Bailin, Orly Taitz, Victoria Jackson, Michele Bachmann and the rest of the Blowhards and acting as ill programmed robots (they have already acted against doctors that perform abortions).
What's common, is common. Obama lies, and therefore most probably was the liar here too.
As they say in medicine, when you hear hoof beats, don't think of zebras.
Or, as the foresters might ask, does a bear shit in the woods?
All I had to do was read the first 9 words in montanas post and it instantly transformed itself into a "scrollover".......
Poor person. Another example of the failed government school system.
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