Friday, June 4, 2010

Kurds In Northern Iraq Honor the Deaths and Sacrifices of American Soldiers In Iraq War

I gotta admit, I got a little choked up when I read this earlier today. I think most of you know how I feel about our troops and how damn proud I am of what they did and do in Iraq. Well, I never expected a single Iraqi to ever even think about a formal "thank you" to our troops let alone a memorial - hell, our troops can't even get that from an American Democrat.

But read this, from MEMRI:

Kurdish members of the police force held a memorial for 13 U.S. soldiers killed in the city while helping maintain peace and security.
In a message read at the memorial, President Talabani wrote: "The American soldiers killed are martyrs and our people will never forget them. We will erect statues for them in important locations."

I ask you, is that awesome or what?!!!

I think most American soldiers and Marines that have served in Iraq will say that the Kurds are a formidable fighting group - let's face it, there weren't many areas of the Kurdish region of Iraq that al Qaeda actually dared even enter. Yes, there was blood shed and also American blood and all I can say, as an American ....I cannot express my gratitude enough to the Kurds in Iraq for this memorial to our troops who gave their lives so the Kurds could be free. To those people, I would also like to state: You have no idea what this will mean to the families of those American troops who breathed their last on your soil...Thank you.

Kurds in Kirkuk Hold Memorial for U.S. Soldiers Killed in the City – They Are Considered Martyrs

Kurdish members of the police force held a memorial for 13 U.S. soldiers killed in the city while helping maintain peace and security.
In a message read at the memorial, President Talabani wrote: "The American soldiers killed are martyrs and our people will never forget them. We will erect statues for them in important locations."

1 comment:

Maggie Thornton said...

Holger, that is an awesome report. I believe there will be many, many Iraqi children who have lived in the areas Americans patrolled. They will know who we are, and they will remember - some of this.

It is kinda/sorta sickening the way I feel grateful for any Muslim who treats us decently.