There is NOTHING that I can possibly add to the open letter that Jon Voight sent to Barack Hussein Obama on June 22, 2010. From the Washington Times:
An open letter to President Obama from Jon Voight
President Obama:
You will be the first American president that lied to the Jewish people, and the American people as well, when you said that you would defend Israel, the only Democratic state in the Middle East, against all their enemies. You have done just the opposite. You have propagandized Israel, until they look like they are everyone's enemy — and it has resonated throughout the world. You are putting Israel in harm's way, and you have promoted anti-Semitism throughout the world.
You have brought this to a people who have given the world the Ten Commandments and most laws we live by today. The Jewish people have given the world our greatest scientists and philosophers, and the cures for many diseases, and now you play a very dangerous game so you can look like a true martyr to what you see and say are the underdogs. But the underdogs you defend are murderers and criminals who want Israel eradicated.
You have brought to Arizona a civil war, once again defending the criminals and illegals, creating a meltdown for good, loyal, law-abiding citizens. Your destruction of this country may never be remedied, and we may never recover. I pray to God you stop, and I hope the people in this great country realize your agenda is not for the betterment of mankind, but for the betterment of your politics.
With heartfelt and deep concern for America and Israel,
Jon Voight
Israel the only democracy in the Middle East? - What about Turkey? What the hell have we been doing in Iraq for 7 years if not building a democracy? Only 2 of the 10 Commandments are against the law in this country - so the commandments are hardly a basis for American Law.
This letter is grasping at straws.
Iraq is a islamic republic. As for Turkey, it's not in the Middle East.
As for the 10 Commandments, Voight made no reference to those commandments being laws on books - it's about basis for laws.
Split your damn hairs fool - ignore the telephone pole that runs through your eye that Obama has attacked Israel and Obama has attacked his own people in Arizona. I guess it shouldn't surprise me that you could read that letter and miss the jist of it.
I'm guessing the only writings that you actually strive to understand are The Communist Manifesto and The Little Red Book.
:Holger Danske
You think Turkey is part of Europe? .......HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA! HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA! - too much.
I love your quaint Cold War mentality where anyone who disagrees with you is a Communist - I miss those simpler times.
Turkey is geographically, politically and officially part of two continents - Europe and Asia. The smaller northwestern portion (Thrace) is part of Europe, while the larger portion (Anatolia) is part of Asia.
Nice try, Commie.
:Holger Danske
Ask Europeans how many of them consider Turkey part of Europe. Sure - most Middle Eastern countries are part of Asia, but culturally this area is known to most people as the "Middle East".
The same website you directed me to says Turkey is in fact in the Middle East -
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