Typical Iranians. The much ballyhooed mission of two Iranian aid flotilla ships that were to bring "humanitarian aid" to Gaza and defy the Israeli blockade has been "postponed." Let me translate that for you - the Iranians, as in every other instant in the past 50 years have turned yellow. Remember, this is the same Iran that hires out its firepower against its enemies in the likes of Syria, Hezbollah and Hamas. I have said it many times, any military action by the West against the Iranians due to their nuclear ambitions would see that country fall in a matter of days, not weeks - this is a nation of spineless mullah leaders and incompetent military commanders.
And this latest development is just a reminder that every single time that Israel goes toe to toe with Iran, the Iranians back down. The past several years the West has coddled Iran and cowered from their threats when in fact, this is a nation of whining, gutless spoiled brats.
You watch, this "postponed" aid flotilla will simply fade away - it won't be rescheduled, it won't be launched, ever. If the Iranians want to try and test the Israeli naval blockade, they'll end up paying some henchmen to do it for them.
From ANSAmed:
And this latest development is just a reminder that every single time that Israel goes toe to toe with Iran, the Iranians back down. The past several years the West has coddled Iran and cowered from their threats when in fact, this is a nation of whining, gutless spoiled brats.
You watch, this "postponed" aid flotilla will simply fade away - it won't be rescheduled, it won't be launched, ever. If the Iranians want to try and test the Israeli naval blockade, they'll end up paying some henchmen to do it for them.
From ANSAmed:
(ANSAmed) - TEHRAN, JUNE 21 - The departure of the first Iranian ship that will carry humanitarian aid to Gaza, defying the Israeli blockade, has been postponed to an unspecified date, the head of the juvenile organisation of the Iranian Red Crescent, Javad Jafarian, told press agency ISNA. Early in June, after the bloody Israeli raid on an international flotilla headed for the Gaza Strip, in which nine people were killed, the Iranian Red Crescent announced that it was ready to send two ship to the Palestinian territory. One ship with basic needs and one with volunteers, and the organisation also announced to send a hospital ship at some point in the future. On Monday last week, Iran said that this week one of its ships would weigh anchor, and that the country would send more aid to Turkey, to load it in Istanbul. The departure of the ship, according to Jafarian, has been postponed by "problems with international coordination and a change of the cargo to send" to Gaza. (ANSAmed).
Iran is too busy using its military force against its own people. They have had revolution brewing for the past year. Sadly, those trying to replace achmadinajoke have just as much hatred for Israel. While we should blow Iran out of the water, the problem is that obumbler is stopping sales of weapons, and even refused to allow Israeli planes fly over airspace they are policing. Imagine American pilots trying to shoot Israelis out of the skies of Iraq. The US government in power may well bring down the free world, while the mouth breathing, knuckle dragging idiots of the world are screaming for the elimination of Israel--the only democratic country in the middle east.
This particular anonymous is a completer jerk of, pity his father wasn't.
Holger, these shits can now smell defeat,so lets keep on telling the real truth!
There is no need for the flotilla now that Israel has lifted the blockade of medical supplies, construction materials, food, etc. Maybe Iran just watched the news on Sunday.
as Iran gets ready to serve up some nukes for us all ...great update my friend!
First Anonymous,
You don't even make the grade to carry water for the Israelis, dirtbag. But rant away, it makes for a nice portrait of an idiot for the rest to see.
By the way all, you CAN click the "Name/URL" button and put a name in for comments...put anything, like Anon#1 could put Skinhead Doofus....but at least you have a name here.
I believe it was the land embargo that was adjusted by the Israeli, there has been no change in the naval blockade which is what this article is about.
Good to see ya!
:Holger Danske
iran chickens out again.
what do you expect from men in dresses?
like posters who chose the nic "anonymous".
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