Friday, June 18, 2010

Hillary Clinton Announces America Is Sending $60 Million More In Aid To Palis In Gaza (and Hamas Laughs Their Asses Off At Us Once More)

Give me a fucking break. After spending most her time as Secretary of State bashing, condemning and handicapping Israel, the up and coming Queen Bitch of Arabia, Hillary Clinton, has today announced that America is sending an additional $60 million in aid to Palestinians in Gaza who I'm sure will pile it up to the third stories of warehouses on top of all the tons of shit they can't go through as it is.

From the article at KUNA:

Secretary of State Hillary Clinton announced here Friday an additional contribution of USD 60.3 million to the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA) to support the Agencys core budget and special projects in the West Bank, Gaza, Lebanon, Syria, and Jordan.The State Department said in a statement that Clinton announced the financial contribution to which would provide critical services, including health, to 4.7 million Palestinian refugees.

First off, when the hell are these misfits and blood suckers in Gaza NOT going to be referred to as "refugees"...? Gimme a break. I'm sure all of you have seen the countless videos and photos of what it is REALLY like in Gaza - markets are full of food, shops are brimming with merchandise and yet the sheep of America follow our leaders along the path of endless giving to the terrorists. You know what, Hillary? Maybe sending $60 million to Hamas in Gaza makes YOU feel better but it boils my blood, dogface.

I figure that if Hillary Clinton finishes out four years as Secretary of State, she will, by then, surpass Jimmy Carter as the most dhimmified leader in American history. I'm actually expecting Hillary to announce her conversion to Islam any day - of course, that would be her conversion from communistic atheism to a violent political ideology - it actually would suit her.

US makes additional contribution of USD 60.3 mln to UNRWA

WASHINGTON, June 18 (KUNA) -- US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton announced here Friday an additional contribution of USD 60.3 million to the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA) to support the Agencys core budget and special projects in the West Bank, Gaza, Lebanon, Syria, and Jordan.
The State Department said in a statement that Clinton announced the financial contribution to which would provide critical services, including health, to 4.7 million Palestinian refugees.
The statement indicated that of this contribution, USD 5.7 million will support nine special projects, including reconstruction and rehabilitation of schools in Jordan, Syria, and the West Bank, an afterschool program for refugee children in Lebanon, and a referral system to help refugees facing gender-based violence.
According to the statement, UNRWA currently faces a shortfall of USD 161 million, including USD 91 million for core expenses such as salaries for teachers educating nearly 500,000 Palestinian refugee children across the region.
With this contribution, the US will have provided over USD 225 million to UNRWA in 2010, including USD1 20 million to its General Fund, USD 75 million to its West Bank/Gaza emergency programs, USD 20 million to emergency programs in Lebanon, and USD 10 million for the construction of five new schools in Gaza.
"The US commitment to the welfare of the Palestinian people was further underscored by the Presidents June 9 announcement that the United States will move forward with USD 400 million to increase access to clean drinking water, create jobs, build schools, and address critical housing and infrastructure needs in the West Bank and Gaza," the statement affirmed.
It stressed that as UNRWAs largest bilateral donor, the US recognizes the critical role UNRWA plays in assisting Palestinian refugees and maintaining regional stability and calls upon other donors to enhance their support for UNRWA. (end) KUNA 182118 Jun 10NNNN

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